Fiche de lecture : Géopolitique. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar David Ibara • 6 Juin 2019 • Fiche de lecture • 427 Mots (2 Pages) • 548 Vues
Cours 3
Border patrol
A refuge is someone who has been forad to flee(s’enfuir) one’s country/homeland and unable to return because of a well-founed.
Fear of persecution based on :
- War 🡪 internal conflict, political opinion
- Race/ religion gender nationality
Illegal immigration
1: Armes = weapons, impliqués = involved in, clandestins mexicains = the wetbacks this name because many migrants swim across the river to reach the US. When then get out of the water they are wet. And they have to continue across the harsh desert in wet clothes.
2: they are supported to prevent terrorist attacks, and detect drug trafficting
🡪 their very first mission is to prevent illegal migrants from entering the US.
They are ready to risk their life because they long for a better life where they won’t be
A long journey:
The scene must take place at the border between the us and Mexico.
Men from the us border patrol are questioning immigrants who probably have tried to cross the border to enter the us illegally.
The immigration official (the man in white) is checking if the immigration treated as/ cattle
The AM dream:
A better life:
They are looking for jobs 🡪 money
To find a better future/prospects
Less persecution (no more violation in terms of rights
To have a higher standard of living.
American Dream:
First concept of freedom.
Has a land of prosperity, liberty (for all), equal rights?
The melting pots
Against = a threat from the American society
For = cultures, customs, to enrich, to bring diversity, to be more open, more consideration understanding, workforce
The wall:
The brain-brain:
It’s a movement of highly skilled or professional people from their own countries to countries where they can earn more money.
Homeland 🡪 host country limited, workers, skilled
Ush factors:
Encourage people to have their homeland.
Reason: not enough jobs unemployed/ few opportunities, few wages, political instability, corruption
Pull factors:
Encourage people to go to a specific place/ country
Reason: prestige, satisfaction, availability of better jobs opportunities, political freedom, religious freedom, safety/prosperity, education /university
Geopolitics= people migrate from a place because of unsustainable conditions such as insecurity (civil war) or
The two laureates from Russia they work at the university of Manchester
The two laureates have been awarded the Nobel prize in physics.
Immigration cap is a policy of visa restrictions which would like to prevent talented foreign researchers from working in Britain and “sharing” their expertise with British Universities and industries.
🡪 they would never have been able to carry out their usearch at Manchester University if an “immigration cap” had existed when they applied.
“ ground breaking experiments”