Le capitalisme (document en anglais)
Cours : Le capitalisme (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar achrafhec • 13 Décembre 2014 • Cours • 649 Mots (3 Pages) • 576 Vues
Capitalism is an economic system in which employers hire workers to produce goods and services who will be marketed with the intention of making profit. During Capitalism period, the world has changed more quickly and more constantly than never before. Capitalism has brought advances in scientific knowledge + development in technology+ ways of sharing information+ rising standards of consumption, health, and education in most of the world. It helped in the abolition of slavery and capitalism have made radical changes in family life, ideals and beliefs
Capitalist epoch began in Europe in AD 1500 in England, Netherlands, Belgium and Italy
In the year 1000, people had short life spans and they had no experience with peoples or places farthers away than the nearest town and they only depends on the food and the things that they produce
In 1500 goods were made by hand using simple tools
Capitalism has emerged more or less simultaneously with technological innovation
In 1800 the new era brought new ideas, new discoveries, new methods , new machines. Technical changes revolutionized production and reduced the amount of time to produce most products in particular in the agricultural sector . so fewer people were required to produce the same amounts of food so as result they have been more people devoted to the production of other things and in particular in the manufacturing sector + improvement in methods of transportation
Improvement in health care and agricultural productivity made possible the population explosion and urbanization
Britain was the first capitalist country bad soon spread to others countries = increase in average living standards ( increase in income, good diets and housing)
Capitalism improves the income inequality between poor and rich. The 10 % poorest American are richer than the two-thirds of the people in the world. 2.8 billion people live with less than 2dollars per year = 20 % of the world population holds 90 % of the world wealth
Along with capitalism’s technical progress and rising standards of living there has been a global population explosion + urbanization
Capitalism made people more dependent on employment so the also became subject to the dangers and hardships of unemployment = insecurity
Capitalism makes the most skilled workers vulnerable to unemployment
Capitalism have made transformation in the family= more divorce + more couples who choose not to get married
Threats in the ecosystem= capitalism=production = more CO2 = greenhouse effect
In 1500, governments played an minor role in most people’s daily life . in the 19th et 20th , struggles by workers , antislavery groups = all the major capitalist countries participated in the growth of democratic government and they played major role as public education and income support and health care for elderly + providing assistance for unemployed people and people who are not able to work+ social safety net
Governments have become more intrusive with capitalism. They use information technology to access to our location, private message and economic