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Synthèse en anglais - l’immigration dans l'Histoire

Dissertations Gratuits : Synthèse en anglais - l’immigration dans l'Histoire. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Mai 2013  •  1 121 Mots (5 Pages)  •  975 Vues

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Migration, is the notion of the movement of an individual, from one place to another. There are two main types of migration,: internal migration, the movement of a person within one country, or international migration, i.e. the movement from one country to another. But also willing migration, and forced migration. Economic inequalities is the difference of the quality of life and wealth from one place to another. People always want to go where it will benefit them the most, this means migrating to somewhere they consider better for them. The objective of the following essay is to explore the conjecture that migration is a response to economic pressure. We will explore the reasons why people migrate, why it is a response to economic inequalities, and not only. Finally we will explore the consequences of migration and the impact it has on countries.

The reasons for migration can be separated into two main factors,: Push, and pull. Push factors are reasons for people to be pushed to move out of their current homes. It is the need to move out because of a main reason that reduces the quality of life. The other Factor is pull, this is instead of wanting to move away from somewhere, an individual wants to move to somewhere. Push is «,I want to get away from here, life is not good enough.» and Pull is «,I want to go there ,Life is better there.,» People are always in search of the perfect country where they can have an easier life than the ones they have lived in, this is why nearly everyone migrates at some point in their life.

For example, today there is a large migration of people from third-world countries to Europe or America. By legal or illegal means. People from these nations hear of better life in those countries and feel the need to move there to be able to get better income and employment. They hear rumors of better money, more interesting jobs and a place where there is no risk of famine, they see on TV the life of people living in developed countries and want to move there. For example Habitants of Nigeria are seeking to live in England because of Nigeria is in a state of extreme poverty and it's habitants need to move to be able to survive. There is also a problem where immigrants want to go to Spain, but are blocked in the Moroccan forest. They need money to be able to build a life for themselves, but are incapable of crossing the border as illegal immigration is getting watched more and more in Spain.

Yet it is also clear that migration - and perhaps especially international migration - is an activity that carries significant risks and costs. There is always income and wealth inequalities between sending and receiving areas, yet it does not necessarily reduce inequality in the way intended by many migrants. For example, one immigrant coming from a poorer country might not necessarily become richer in the country it has immigrated in. In fact, most immigrants are taken aback by some important concepts they never envisioned. For example: money and the value of it varies from nation to nation, so where in one country 10 of one certain kind of money might buy you a lot , in another it could be worthless.

There is not only economical inequalities that push people to immigrate, there are many other reasons, for example in case of war people are pushed to move away from the war zones, making them give up on their homes. This is a type of forced immigration, for example


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