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Analyse D'un Document en anglais

Dissertation : Analyse D'un Document en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Novembre 2014  •  416 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 021 Vues

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Topic introduction , angle case

As all of us are good jurist , we know that there are two biggest possibilities to employ staff ; we can mention the fixed term contract and the permanent contract.

But , as Allessandra explained you ,in the United Kingdom , a new kind of contract has hemerged in the 1970 s ; this is the zero hour contract .

So what are the general features of this contract ?

The "zero-hours contract” is a colloquial term using to qualify a contract of work which the employee is not guaranteed work and is paid only for work carried out.The employee agrees to be available for work as and when required, so no particular number of hours or times of work are specified .

So here we can understand that the use of zero-hours contracts raises a number of legal issues which affect the utility of the employee.That’s why , a lot of government consultation appears during this last years to stop the abuses of the zero hour contract use , and the last one took place just yesterday .

So our subject is in the heart of the news and raises many debated reactions.

What do you want to demonstrate ?

That’s why Allessandra and me , we chose to concentrate our presentation in the evolution of this contract during the last years and specifically the place of the employee : What was set up to protect the employee ?

Because even if ,if we compare with the two others this is a recent kind of contract , this contract has to respect the requirements of the Employment Rights Act 1996,who protect and denifed the employement rights.

General outline

So in a first part we are going to explain what are the benefits and the negativs aspects of this contracts and we will expose in detail the legal framework in labour law.

And in a second part we will talk about the legal implications ,among others things , the question of the employee status , the legality of the exclusivity clauses …

As regards the continuation of our works , we will have new meetings to exchange our ideas.

If you wanna learn more about this topic which is an actuality subject, you have to come to our presentation ;)

That bring us to the end of our presentation .If anyone has any questions , please feel free to ask them now .( j’aime beaucoup ta petite phrase ;D)


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