Cours : TRUMAN NOTES. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar hhhhhhhhhh1 • 26 Novembre 2018 • Cours • 529 Mots (3 Pages) • 597 Vues
- What were the key domestic issues faced by Truman, 1945-53
July 1948: Democratic National Convention
• Truman attempted to unify the party with vague civil rights plank in the party platform
• Mississippi delegation and half the Alabama delegation walked out of the convetion
→ Most party platforms: equal rights for all
→ Liberals: - desegregation
• Those delegates that left the Convention formed the States Rights' Democratic Party aka the “Dixiecrats”
• Democratic Governor of South Carolina, Strom Thurmond, was nominated
• Meanwhile, Henry Wallace announced his intention to run for President for the Progressive Party
→ Progressive Party:
- desegregation
- National energy
- national health service
- Conciliation with the USSR
• Ultimately, Thurmond only won 39 electoral college votes and Wallace won 0
• Truman had won support from workers black americans and farmers
• Policy of “containment” abroad – the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
• Combined with actions against Communism at home:
• March 1947: Federal Employee Loyalty and Security Program
- The FBI investigated government employees and applicants with powers to open letters tap phones and bug offices and homes
• September 1947: National Security Act
- War and Navy department merged into Departement of Defense
- Size of the armed forces was increased and the President could move forces without asking Congress
- Established National Security Council and the CIA: Both reported to the White House and not to Congress
House Un-American Activities Commitee (HUAC)
its role was to investigate “Un-American activities”
• 1947: Hollywood Ten blacklisted
• Alger Hiss was tried; convicted of perjury
• The Rosenbergs were accused of passing on A-bomb secrects to the Soviets and sentenced to death
Why was MacCarthyism able to take hold of America?
- State departement documents found at offices of a communist magazine
- Truman set tone of fear
- 1949: Soviet's first atom bomb and China becomes Communist
- 1950: Korean War begins
Sucesses | Limitations |
- |
What did it mean to be a Democract, 1945-53
- Liberal
- Interbentionist
- Uberan areas
- “New Deal coalition”
- Conservative
- Laissez-Faire
- Rural areas