Freedom fighter : Martin Luther King
Compte rendu : Freedom fighter : Martin Luther King. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Kameron Loulendo • 14 Septembre 2022 • Compte rendu • 833 Mots (4 Pages) • 343 Vues
MY FREEDOM FIGHTER : Martin Luther King
Introduction : Today I’m going to talk about my freedom fighter, the best, Martin Luther King.
My plan will be divided into three parts : first, I will talk about Martin Luther King, his life .After ,I will tell you about his achivments and his fight .Finaly I will describe the pictures representing his time and to finish, I will be conclude by giving my opinion
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1) Martin Luther King ‘s life
Martin luther king was born in January 1929 in Atlanta , Goergia and he was assasinated in April 1968 in Memphis , Tennesses . He was a preacher , baptist and non violent milliant for the american civil rights mouvement . Martin luther king comes from a pastor family , he had an older sister , Christine King , and a youger brother , Albert King . He grew up with racial segregation and he was a victim of segregation at the age of 10 , he was in one of the white segregationist school . He wanted to become a preacher like his father and was set to be educated in the north to study theology in university where he had completed his studies at Morehouse College or he was graduated with the Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (bachelor's degree) on June 20, 1948 . Ordained a Baptist minister in 1948, he graduated the same year , He had joined Boston University in 1951 where he obtained his Doctor of Philosophy ( PHD) degree in 1951 and returned to Crozer Theological Seminary for a Bachelor of Divinity in Chester, Pennsylvania— a degree that corresponds to a bachelor's degree in theology. —which he obtained him . He has experienced racial discrimination and He bourgeois origins protected him from poverty . He suffered two influences : that of the theologian Walter Rauschenbusch (1861-1918), Mahtma Gandhi Karl Marx, the pacifist and socialist pastor Norman Thomas and Reinhold Niebuhr on social Christianity.
2) The exploits of Martin Luther King
A) Boyccot Mongomery Bus : On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery bus and was stopped by the police. The blacks of Montgomery had called for a boycott of the city's bus company. On the evening of that first day of action, an organization was created and Martin Luther King was elected , The blacks went from the city on foot, where they had set up their own means of transport, The boycott lasted 381 days and the federal courts had put an end to the illegal segregation in transportation. Non-violence had proven its effectiveness. Victory was achieved with the support of white liberals.
B) The fight against civil rights
Pitying on his success, King founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957 with several black personalities from the southern United States – an association of civil rights activist pastors. He had decided his nonviolent struggle for the civil rights of blacks throughout the country and To the peaceful occupation of restaurants, parks, swimming pools forbidden to blacks, protest marches against racism followed and little by little the Supreme Court had imposed the opening to all of the forbidde public places. He had visited India in 1959, confirming his interest in Gandhi's thought and had organized collective actions in several southern cities throughout the period: Atlanta in 1960, Albany, Georgia, in 1961, and especially Birmigham, where in April 1963, alongside black pastors, King had tackled discrimination in the world of work.