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Singapour (document en anglais)

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Par   •  11 Mai 2014  •  Commentaire de texte  •  944 Mots (4 Pages)  •  811 Vues

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1a-Singapore comes from Malay terms, since the ancient Indonesians(namely Sang Nila Utama) were the ones who founded it. 'Singa' comes from the malay word 'singa' meaning lion. 'pore' comes from the malay word 'pura' which means city. together, 'Singapore' means 'Lion City'. How did that name come about? One day, while Sang Nila Utama, a legendary(he is part of Singapore's ancient history) Malay prince from Sumatra, was sailing, there was a sudden storm and his ship was washed ashore on an island(Singapore). He then saw a lion at a far distance and it roared when it saw him. It was the first sign of life that he saw onthe island and therefore he named it 'Lion City' or 'Singapura'. Singapore is the English derivation

b- In 1349, Singapore had become known a Tumasik and was ruled by a leader called Tamagi. Tumasik, which means « sea town », had become a busy trading centre with goods brought there to be sold by chinese traders and pirates passing through. Tamasaki was no longer under Majapahit control but by the Siamese.

Soon Parameswara, a hindu prince form Palemberg arrived and killed Tamagi to established himself as king. Therefore the Siamese heard this and were angry. They then sent a force to expel him. It worked and he fled, to settle in Malacca.

Yet after Parameswara's flight, the city seemed to have been destroyed and became a base for pirates.

And in 1819, Sir Stamford Raffles of British East India Company establishes trading post on Singapore island.

c- the british were first of all very interested in trading in the east. They needed to do this to obtain many goods that were not available in Britain.By the beginning of the nineteenth century, it had developed a considerable interest in trade with China. Britain imported a wide variety of chinese goods such as silk, dyes, sugar, and cotton cloth. The chief import was however tea. By 1800, Britain imported more than  20 million pounds worth of Chinese tea every year.

d-the dutch were the major trading power in the East Indies during the seventeeth and eighteen century. Therefore they lost their power in the east because they were involved in the Napoleonic war in Europe. To prevent the french from taking over their many ports in the East, the utch signed the Kew Letters which allowed the british control of Dutch colonies until the end of the war. In 1811, the british conquered the dutch island of Java to prevent french warships from using it. They then set up Batavia as a centre for British trade.

e-When the war in Europe ended, the british had to return to the dutch all the Dutch islands and ports in the east Indies. Britain had been reluctant to give up Batavia, but it was determined to keep on good terms with the Dutch. Britain's position as one of the world's leading powers was coming under threat from the growing strength of some countries. What britain needed was ally. To refuse to give back Batavia would break up the Anglo-Dutch friendship.Batavia was thus returned to the Dutch at the London Convention of 13 Augsut 1814.

2a-the british already had two settlements in the area, Penang and Bencoolen. Bencoolen was on the west coast of Sumatra, which was too far from the main trade routes along


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