Malcolm X
Fiche de lecture : Malcolm X. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar GhostOfAbyss • 22 Janvier 2014 • Fiche de lecture • 535 Mots (3 Pages) • 767 Vues
The real name of Malcolm X was Malcolm Little, he was born on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. Malcolm X was a black man, a afrro american. He was a muslim preacher. For his brothers, he was a defender of the afro american rights because at this moment, in USA, there was the segregation. However, for his enemy, he preached racism and the superiority for the blacks.
Malcolm Little was the son of Earl Little and Louise Little. His father was a pastor and his mother was a white women but she hated her colour. Malcolm had 6 brothers and sisters. But in 1931, Earl Little was killed, crush by a train. Today, Earl's death is still a mystery because we don't know if it is a suicide or a murder. After that, Louise Little did a depression and went in mental institution.
The children were scattered in host familly. Malcolm studied in a white school for become a lawyer and was graduated but he left the school because a teacher told him that he couldn't become a lawyer : «It's not realistic for a negro».
Later, he found a job in a train and he lived with a white women, Sophia. He got involved with the gambling and the mafia. In 1946, he was arrested in Boston and sentenced for 10 years hand labour because he stole a watch of 1.000 $ and for a lot of burglary.
In jail, Macolm's nickname was «Satan». His brothers were part of the Nation of Islam and an inmate converted him to this religion : no fornication, no adultery … Macolm had the Black muslim faith. And one day, in jail, he met Elijah Muhammad in a vision. In 1948, Macolm was transferred in Norfolk, Massachusetts and on August 7, 1952 he was freed.
In 1952, on his jail release, he took «X» for his family name. It means the letter of the unknown and the slaves. Gradually Malcolm became famous, he sent on speaking tours and he was in television. But it was a kind of sect. In his speeches, Malcolm X was eloquent and persuasive. So, he commended the black supremacy. He was so popular and the brothers getting jealous of him. In 1958, he got married with a black women, Betty X (born Sanders) and they will have 6 children, only girls. Malcolm X was bisexual and it was often hidden.
In 1960's Elija Muhammad committed a lot of adultery and acts against the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X went away him. Elija Muhammad was a cheater, a liar. Malcolm X went to the Mecca for do a pilgrimage. And Malcolm's family was threaten, so he bought a gun for defend her.
On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X delivered his last speech in New-York. In front of 400 people with his wife and his children. A member of Black Muslims, a brother, advanced and he assassinated him with a shoot in his stomach. Two other man shot him 21 times. Malcolm X died in the ambulance.
Today, a lot of movies, biography, musics, book tell about Malcolm X. And with Martin Luther King and Marcus Garvey, he was the most important black leader in the history.