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Reflexion paper

Dissertation : Reflexion paper. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Janvier 2019  •  Dissertation  •  522 Mots (3 Pages)  •  561 Vues

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Nada Bahri

English 100


Even though we live in a society that claims to glorify and value creativity new ideas are not easily accepted and even rejected.

Why people’s new ideas are rejected?

One of the reasons of rejecting creativity is the fact that a new idea makes us think hard and thinking hard makes us uncomfortable. In fact according to Daniel Kahnman there are two brain systems we might refer to as "fast" and "slow" thinking. The first System is an automatic, fast and often unconscious way of thinking requiring a little energy. The second system is a slow and controlled way of thinking that requires a lot of energy and effort. There is even a physiological response including increased heart rate, sweat production and pupil dilation

To think through a different   new idea we use the second system.

Since it makes us feel anxious and nervous we would rather keep what are we familiar with.

So rejection happens when it does, how we respond to it matters.

 What effect has rejection on people?

For some rejection can be the end of their creativity and they will make a great effort to regain a place in society even if that means letting go  their ideas and conforming just to feel accepted again  .For others, the pain of rejection maybe considered as a mind’s training  for endurance.  Rejection is a big test to show how strong are your beliefs and dreams even when an idea takes a very long time to be accepted and recognized one should never give up.

Ibn khaldun once said:

"He who finds a new path is a pathfinder, even if the trail has to be found again by others; and he who walks far ahead of his contemporaries is a leader, even though centuries pass before he is recognized as such." ~ Ibn Khaldun

I believe while hearing this quote many names has crossed your minds. For example, Disney Walt who was fired from a newspaper for “not being creative enough”, Elon musk the co-founder of pay-pal, Tesla and space-x his ideas were described as “wild and crazy”. Even Rowling struggled to get her first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,  

 published   and it was rejected by twelve publisher

Even back in history a lot of scientists, artists, physicians were rejected and criticized at the time, but proved to be successful and widely admired later on. 

Don’t we all remember the two words “recessive” and “dominant” from our science class?

Well Mendel is the one who come up with these words in reference to genes but they were not fully accepted until decades after his death.

Rejection did not stop any of them from believing in themselves because just when nobody has got that ability to completely understand you it does not mean that your ideas and beliefs are invaluable. And if when it is ignored or ridiculed just don’t stop believing in your abilities for success.


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