Étudiants chinois à ZUST (document en anglais)
Commentaires Composés : Étudiants chinois à ZUST (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Tocel • 9 Juin 2015 • 2 407 Mots (10 Pages) • 721 Vues
I. Introduction 3
II. Info Part 4
III. Opinion about ZUST and China 7
IV. Future plans 9
V. Scolarship 10
VI. Thinking about the foreigners 11
VII. Conclusion 12
VIII. Attachments : Questions for the interviews 13
Chinese Students at ZUST
I. Introduction
First, we were only three (Emeline, François and I) to work on China Ethic but, the plan changed and we needed to work on Chinese Students at ZUST with Kassim and Mohamed in plus.
We think that it was very interesting to work on this topic because thanks to the interviews, we know more about their opinions about China and ZUST, what they want to do in the future or their feelings concerning the foreigners, as a matter of fact we know more about the culture of China. For example, we didn’t know for the GAOKAO and we knew more about their livings conditions in the dorms.
According to the questions for the interviews, we met all of us for the first time at Starbuck of InCity with Cengiz who helped us to write it. We asked ourselves « What we want to know about the Chinese Students at ZUST ? », « What are their conditions living the China ? », « What are they thinking about the foreigners ? », if they have help to continue their studies, « What they think about China and ZUST ? » and « What they want to do in the future ? ». Thanks to this, we have divided our questions in 5 parts : Info part, Opinion about China and ZUST, Future plans, scolarship and thinking about the foreigners. After that, we divided the tasks to know who will do that.
Now, concerning the interviews, we found some Chinese guys thanks to Cengiz, the German and the Belgium who we met during our trip because they have classmates so they gave our WeChat that way we could contact and the others at the library. For example, we went to the library and when we saw a Chinese student alone, we went to his table and asked him if we want to do the interview. If he was alright, we di dit but if he didn’t want to do this, we went to an other table. Most of the interviewees are engeniering or language students.
We did it most of our interviews at the library, more particularly during at the end of the afternoon because we didn’t have class and there is a lot of people at this time. We also did it during the rest of your course because you have a lot of Chinese student and Cengiz told us that you were ok to do our interviews during the rest of your course. It was a little hard to do it because the Chinese are shy (they don’t believe of their English), we have a lot of questions but not enough time and the most difficult it was to find some people who wanted to do the interviews.
II. Info Part
First, we will talk about some informations about the Chinese in ZUST. According to the graphic, we can see that a lot of our interviewers come from the province of Zhejiang and just three of us come from other provinces.
Thanks to this survey, we knew what is the GAOKAO (like a level test in China to continue their studies in university. Then, according to the score the Chinese guys can choose or not where they want to go). We can note that most of them have the medium level.
Then, only 30% of the Chinese student have never traveled even in China. Afterwards, most of them who traveled, they visited China and only one person went in several continents.
Moreover, half of the guys that we met are in Hangzhou since more than 2 years (some are native from Hangzhou), the others are in Hangzhou since 2 years or less.
Finally, we can analyse that the Chinese love reading, doing sport (badminton, basketball or tennis) and few of them playing on the computer.
Concerning the social networks, the Chinese student use it a lot !!! They use WeChat, Weibo and QQ. They told to us that they use it everyday, everytime, as much as they can because they want to be connected, speak with their friends…
III. Opinion about ZUST and China
Now, we will talk about Chinese opinion about ZUST and China. As we explained in the first part, the chinese guys can’t choose their university, it depends of their GAOKAO score. On the one hand, some of them didn’t choose this university because they failed the GAOKAO but on the other hand, they go to ZUST because it has a very good reputation, for the landscape and, the most important, for it engineering and international program.
Afterwards, we asked us about their living conditions in the university. Few Chinese guys didn’t want to answer at the question but we were very chocked because there is a time to get out and to get in, a time to use internet and a time if you want to wash with hot water. Most Chinese interviewed said that the dorms are too small for 5 people but the others told us that it’s quite good. Some of them related us that sometimes there are insects. Thus, they mentionned to us what they would like to change in the dorms : less people in a room, the lights, no time to wash, to use internet and to get in/out and a kitchen (some of chinese students want to cook by their own, the others not beacause eat in the restaurant outside). Moreover, according to the dorms, they have the same roomates for 3 years so it’s a little bit difficult when there some differences with them.
Then, we inquired if they want to recommend the university to their friends or family and we were very surprised because the opinions are divided. On the one hand, they want to recommend ZUST because it’s a beautiful place and for the international program, but on the other hand they don’t want to recommend it because the level is not enough good compared to the other universities, it’s not good to learn, there is a way of competition. One of the Chinese guy doesn’t want to recomment ZUST because, according to him, ZUST score level is just high because it’s in Hangzhou, on the center of Zhejiang Province.
We also asked if they like to have course with foreign teachers and all the chinese students like that. They said that few times it’s a little difficult to follow them (vocabulary, accent…)