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Tag Heuer anglais

Fiche de lecture : Tag Heuer anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Septembre 2021  •  Fiche de lecture  •  369 Mots (2 Pages)  •  297 Vues

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At the beginning of the semester, we chose to study the company Tag Heuer. This company seemed interesting to us to study because its CEO was appointed during the year 2020. The new CEO wants to change certain things in the company, such as making the connected watch something essential for the company.

This desire to make the connected watch more important comes in the midst of the Covid 19 crisis. A godsend because the population, which was globally unattracted by the connected watch, realised in 2020 the importance of knowing its health data, the connected watch perfectly meets this need.

In my opinion, Tag Heuer was perfectly right to develop the connected watch. Until today, the market has been completely dominated by electronics giants such as Apple and Samsung. It was important for a Swiss watch manufacturer to come onto the market and try to renew its range to compete with the giants.

Tag Heuer also wants to renew its brand image by making new partnerships, with sportsmen and sports car brands such as Porsche. I think they are perfectly right to make their brand more present in competitions. Giving watches to sportsmen, becoming the official timekeeper of Porsche competitions makes the brand desirable and naturally more upscale. In my opinion Tag Heuer imitates the marketing policy of recent watch brands such as Hublot or Richard Mille who make full use of influencers on social networks and sportsmen and women to make people talk about their brand. And when representatives of a brand are famous people, the general public naturally comes to the products they use to look like them.

Frederic Arnault also took the decision to reduce the number of brand resellers around the world, by moving out of medium-sized cities and being distributed only in large cities. I think that this decision will allow Tag Heuer to increase the rarity of its products and consequently to move up the range and make its products more desirable.

In my opinion, all of the decisions taken by Tag Heuer are good decisions that will allow the brand to return to the forefront alongside Rolex. With quality and technological watches, the future can only smile on a company like Tag Heuer.


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