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Spaces And Exchanges

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Par   •  14 Mai 2015  •  610 Mots (3 Pages)  •  2 130 Vues

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Spaces and exchanges

I’m going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. First you should know what this notion means. The different spaces of the world are more and more connected to each other . So, exchanges can appear in different forms like exchanges of people, tourism, trade, information and immigration. Immigration is really linked to this notion because it implies the movement of legal and illegal people to other countries. Immigrants leave their country because of push and pull factors like weathers, political situation, unstable economy..

But immigrants face a certain disillusion. So what new measures for immigrants today are still contrasted by the mentality of the society? I have chosen to focus upon the positive issues of the immigrants. Indeed it is very interesting to see that new assistance are made to undocumented immigrants. But we have to see the mentality of the society, because it’s always a negative reaction despite the diversity of the American population.

There are over one million undocumented immigrants living in the US, many of them are young people. Young students like Marco Perez, anxious about their futures. Marco Perez is undocumented. His biggest fear is the deportation to Mexico. He is part of the Dreamers Club, with others students like him. He has participated in a civil disobedience demonstration against Sheriff Lee Baca’s policy of deportation in L.A, like Gandhi or Martin Luther King.

But today, thanks at Barack Obama, the first black president of the US, there is new measures for people like Marco.

Indeed, In the text “6 things you need to know about deferred action and DREAm Act student...”, the center for American Progress Immigration team explain the new measure take by the President Obama for the immigrants in the United States. This law is call The Defered action. This gives the right for undocumented people under the age of 16 to suspend or stop temporary (2years) their deportation and give them an authorization to work. Since 2012, Obama wishes the Congress will pass the DREAM ACT, a legal status permanent for students and enable them to participate to the citizen life. It’s a big symbolic step for undocumented immigrants.

So, there is an evolution for the undocumented immigrants. There are more and more integrated in the US.

But the Dream to go to the US became a really disillusion. Immigrants face the reaction of the American society. For example, in class, we studied a text called “The Apache Girl”.

There is always racism and prejudices in the US. Lucinda is a high school girls, with apache origins whose mother is in jail whose father died. In the school bus, she always sits at the back of the bus because of her classmates. She is quite striking, homely; she’s got skinny body with bony arms. Because of her origins, she is rejected by her classmates.

There is also prejudice in the US. In the video called “Where are you from”, two person, one woman and one man are talking during their jog. The men insists by asking where she come from because her English is good and she looks like an Asian woman. She explains that she has always live in the USA but her great grand ma was careen. He greets she like this. She asks him in return, and makes fun of him when he told her that


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