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Spaces And Exchabges

Cours : Spaces And Exchabges. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Janvier 2015  •  Cours  •  215 Mots (1 Pages)  •  617 Vues

Spaces and Exchanges

The notion « Spaces and Exchanges » deals with the geographical and symbolic spaces which make our world and the interactions between men and societies. The different cultural, economic and linguistic have shaped our modern world. All countries are defined by the geographical space they occupy and their borders and how they open up to the outside world.

Tanks to exchanges, trade, conquest, immigration and communications, nations have always influenced other nations beyond their borders and have been influenced culturally, economically or politically.

Today, buying and selling products across borders (international trade) is much easier thanks to modern means of communication which have “reduced” space and favored exchanges. With large world has become a small village. One of the major developments in the most recent years in the Internet and the different social networks which are changing the way we live and communicate today.

Finally, the movement of people across borders (immigration or gap year) has intensified over the last decades. As we study the notion “Spaces and Exchanges”, we are going to try and answer the following questions: do all travels (change of space) necessarily imply exchanges? Are exchanges limited to exchanges of goods? Can you exchange traditions, cultures …? Who benefits from the exchanges? Are all exchanges balanced or are there winners and losers?


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