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Soul Travel

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Par   •  17 Mai 2013  •  422 Mots (2 Pages)  •  660 Vues

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Soul Travel — Multidimensional


Author: Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD

Soul Travel—a.k.a Astral projection (astral travel) is an interpretation of out-of-body

experiences (OBEs) and is one of the practices of Echanka, Religion of the Light and

Sound of God. Eckankar is ancient wisdom. Its teachings, emphasize the value of

personal experiences as the most natural way back to God. Whatever your religious

beliefs, Eckanka shows how to look and listen within yourself—to expand your

consciousness and enjoy spiritual freedom. Learning, perhaps for the first time, how to

lead a happy, balanced, and productive life and put daily concerns into loving

perspective. OBEs are achieved either via deep meditation, awake and aware transitions,

lucid dreaming or use of psychotropics. Those who believe in Soul Travel maintain that

their consciousness or soul has transferred into an astral body (or ‘double’) which moves

in tandem with the physical body in a parallel world known as the astral plane.

The understanding of Soul Travel dates back to ancient China. There are two schools of

thought on the nature of Soul Travel, these are defined as the mystical model and the

phasing model.

The mystical model includes a variety of belief systems and astral maps, but they are tied

together by their belief that Soul Travel takes place outside of the actual physical body. A

more subtle energy body is believed to carry the consciousness outside of the physical

body, and as one progresses to more advanced levels of the astral plane, more subtle

bodies are realized and consciousness is transferred in turn to each of them. (Other

mystical models assume only one subtle body.) The subtle body is attached to the

physical body by means of an energetic connection which usually takes the appearance of

a silver cord 'plugging' into the chakras like an umbilical cord. I have seen this ‘silver

cord.’ It has been suggested that the cord is related to etheric projection, not astral. If the

cord was associated with just astral projection, then we would see it every time we

astrally projected.

The phasing model, defined by Robert Monroe, contains the belief that it is impossible to

actually leave the body in the truest sense of the word, and that the astral planes and the

physical world are merely points on the long spectrum of consciousness.


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