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Should we all become vegetarians ?

Rapports de Stage : Should we all become vegetarians ?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Novembre 2014  •  283 Mots (2 Pages)  •  877 Vues

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Exercice 1 :

a) This document is an article entitled « Should we all become

vegetarians?’ The text was taken from the newspaper ‘Time’ published

in October 2002. It was written by Richard Corliss. The article is divided

into five parts.

b)’Devrions nous tous devenir végétariens ?”

c) The text deals with vegetarian people. The increase in vegetarianism in the USA.

It is important to eat vegetables, but many young become

vegetarians to control their weight. So it can become dangerous.

d) The author of the text is joking and is asking who else wants to become


e) The reporter is present in the text because he use the pronoun 'we', ‘of course’ (l18)

Exercice 2 :

Vegetarianism is a growing trend (1)

It is important to eat vegetables (2)

Many teenagers become vegetarians (3)

Some vegetarians have become activists (4)

One day, we may all be vegetarians (5)

Exercice 3 :

legumes = vegetables

Abandoner = give up

En moyenne = on average

Le poids = weight

Abeilles = bees

Un moment = a while

Exercice 4 :

1) The is an increase in vegetarianism in the United Kigdom = true, ‘up

from 2.6% in 1985’ (l7)

2) Vegetarians have a healthier diet than others = false, ‘There are

meat eaters who eat more and better vegetables than vegetarians’ (l


3) Vegans wear wool = false ‘The most notorious vegetarians are the

vegans, who decline to consume, use or wear any animal products’


4) Some other teenagers made fun of Maggie = true ‘Maggie was

ridiculed by teen boys who apparently found her eating habits

threatening’ (l60-62)

Exercice 5 :

1) their = many children

2) we = people in general

3) them = vegetarians

4) its = vegetarianism

5) they = vegans

Exercice 6 :

In 1999 people ate


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