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Lettre type : Samsara. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Mai 2014  •  Lettre type  •  557 Mots (3 Pages)  •  468 Vues

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Samsara is a movies without word and yet speak. This movie shows the positive and negative aspects of our society. Samsara shows the world's wonders. This is a movie wich makes travel, think about our actions to the environment and in front of our society. It's fascinating long movie that makes you want to run to buy a plane ticket.

It gives you want to see the world, explore the culture and to take into account the importance of nature by a beautiful pictures. It's a bit of a spiritual message and the movie is on our unconscious. It gives a moral lesson ...

Movie's pictures open your heart and grows to the analysis of our own existence. This movie brings to ask questions about what is and what brings the environnement, the life.

Nature is essential because the man can not live without environnement. It's a source of food and human survival depends. Everything we eat comes from nature. Man transforms nature products in processed products. But everything have his origin in environnement. It's necessary to be h aware of the environnement 's importance in our life.

We depend on the nature for our survival, our food, our discoveries, our civilization. We need her because we come from her. Should be respected, loved and preserve the environnement. If we destrroy and manhandled and destroyed the environnement, we endanger. We compromises our future survival, our possibilities of discovery is limited, it's a danger to the development of our civilization.

Preserving nature isn't a whim of a dreamer who loves flowers and songs birds. It's a question of survival for humans.

We live in a consumer society. And wasted a lot without really thinking about the future generations. How can we reduce waste? And more importantly, why is it necessary?

Reducing waste is essential, because our resources are limited. And consumption contributes to polluting the planet. Reduce waste, it's for example not to consume too much. Pay attention to the products which we buy. It's also reuse, repair or recycle. And it's to find solutions that consume less for the same result.

Reducing waste would make better use of our resources.

The world population increases. The global standard of living also increases. The needs of this population will thus increase. We'll have to feed all these people, housing, provide energy and consumer goods. But today, there are already shortages of water, food and energy in some parts of the world. So it is important to learn not to waste all these resources. Reducing waste also reduce pollution.

Nowaday, human activity pollutes the environment. This pollution is particularly linked to the release of gases into the atmosphere, discharges of chemicals in nature, waste industry and society. Much of this pollution is a result to waste. Reduce waste reduce the impact of our polluting activities.

That's why the Samsara movie makes us aware of how lucky we are to have such a generous and powerful nature. The man is powerless in front of her. It therefore should not live against the environment but live with and says thank for the beauty of the world. Human comes of the environnement. However a lot of human beings has already forgotten the importance of nature and acts as if everything


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