Progrès social des femmes
Fiche de lecture : Progrès social des femmes. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar beaa • 2 Février 2015 • Fiche de lecture • 417 Mots (2 Pages) • 749 Vues
Progress is an evolution for the best. It implies a development or an improvement. It can be social or scientific.
Here, I’m going to talk about a social progress: Women’s social progress.
Nowadays, women have an important place in the society; however was it always like this?? How did they evolve?
I/Women: Not equal to men
Like we know, women were not equal to men before.
First, they haven’t got the same job. The movie “Made in Dagenham” shows this inequality. Indeed, the main character, Mrs O’Grady is a woman who fights for her rights. Nobody thought she cans success but her determination wins.
In the past, women are housewife or if they work, they can only work in sewing factory like Mrs O’grady did, in harsh conditions. Generally, the factory is small, it overcrowded and women can hurt themselves. Moreover their salary is much lower than men. But who cares, women was treated like nobodies.
In contrary, men were treated like kings. In fact, they were saying that they had built the world and lead it, saying they were the best. Brown’s song sum up very well what people thought in the century about men.
Fortunately, thanks of loads of things, people mindset change. There is an evolution, a progression.
II/ Present: Not equal but improvement
Movies, songs and many other things help to this evolution of the women.
For example, Brown’s song. Even if, he quoted all the things that the men did, he didn’t forget women. Indeed, in his song he said that “men are noting without women”, in reality women “help to make the world run” and men are not perfect at all because all of them are obsess by money.
Furthermore, in the past like today, many women make demonstration. Mrs O’grady, I have already presented before, is an example of that type of women. In the movie, she entices her co-workers to demonstrate with her for women’s rights. Don’t forget that the film was drawn from a real story. Even if, they can give up, they don’t, up to success. The movie takes the example of the equal pay that Mrs O’grady won.
But despite some evolution, women are still not equal to men. That’s true, women are not only at home to do the housework like before, they have a better salary, and are treated better too. Yet, women are below men. That’s a fact. And today, women are just the same as before, being manifestation to have a real equality with men.