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Population Increase

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Par   •  29 Octobre 2014  •  667 Mots (3 Pages)  •  518 Vues

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I/Thomas Malthus

1) Presentation

2) Theory

II/Ester Boserup

1) Presentation

2) Theory

III/Synthesis of the two theories



You know, before, as presents to us this image

the world was practically deserted . But with the scientific progress , the population considerably increased .

Of this observation ensue two theories, developed by Thomas Malthus and Ester Boserup .

I/ Thomas Malthus

1) Presentation

He was born in 1776 and he is died in 1834.

Thomas Malthus was a british demographer , he was the author of Malthusianism doctrin and has written a novel which be called test on the principle of the Population .

2) Theory

This graphic show the Malthus theory

The dark curve shows the evolution of food in the world .

The red curve shows the evolution of population in the world.

If we make a comparison , we see that the population increases more rapidly than the resources. Malthus believed that the size of a population was limited by its food supply. For Malthus , the growth of population is dangerous for the subsistence of the world such as the famine. So , he purposes a volunteer restriction of the births . This theory was based on two principles :

-human population , if unchecked , grows at a geometric or exponential rate.

-food supply at the best , only increases at an arithmetic rate

Malthus claimed that this was due to a shortage of land or that yields from a given field could not go on increasing forever.

II/Esther Boserup

1) Presentation

She was born in may 1910 and is died in 1999. Boserup was a Danish economist who in 1965, offered an alternative theory .

2) Theory

This graphic shows the Boserup theory.

On this graph , we can see the illustration to the bboseru


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