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Nelson Mandela : Un héritage unique

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Par   •  16 Avril 2014  •  885 Mots (4 Pages)  •  570 Vues

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Nelson Mandela : Un héritage unique

On Thursday, December 5, 2013, the former South African President Nelson Mandela left us, that plunge the world into a great sadness but also leaving a great message of freedom. He was a strong personality who gave to the world some values that it proves to be equal to its commitments. Nelson Mandela was an activist who could not stand the injustice of his country. Early, he began to fight against racial segregation and he was very involved in when white segregationist extremists established a political agenda in 1948 : "the negro at his place ." Founder and leader of the military wing of the ANC in 1961, Nelson Mandela was arrested in 1962 for the revolts he caused. His violent involvement finally earned it 27 years of imprisonment. His release in 1990 was eagerly awaited by all of his proponents that the event will be broadcast live all around the world. Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, he was elected chairman the following. But Nelson Mandela was not an ordinary President. Indeed, it can be surprising for someone who does not know his history, values , and actions that his death caused such a resonance not only in South Africa but also worldwide. Nelson Mandela has left behind a really strong legacy, a model of humility that needs to be taken forward. What is this inheritance? The death of Mandela calls it into question its sustainability?

N. Mandela has first bequeathed to us the benefits of forgiveness, peace. Indeed, Mandela, symbol of the struggle against apartheid, has served his sentence in inhuman conditions. All imagined the revenge he prepared over the decades of imprisonment ... Some people expected a bloodbath, a cataclysm at the time of his release, plunging the country into a civil war between whites and blacks people. But it did not happen. These 27 years allowed to find inner peace and it was now a message of peace and not of violence he conveyed. "If I ask you to forgive, then you have no other reason to mention because no one has suffered more from apartheid than me!".

It was a first step towards freedom. Nothing is more important than freedom, and it was this passion that led him to lead a peaceful struggle. He never forgot the meaning of freedom. He was the one who refused to change his political commitment against his release, the one who say no to some of his comrades who wished to separate the fate of the whites from the blacks’ one. He has always defended a global political commitment that divides neither men nor the various dimensions of dignity. We all have in mind one of the first sentences of Mandela, 11 February 1990 from the balcony of City Hall Cape : " I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination . My dearest ideal was that of a free and democratic society in which all people live together in harmony and with equal opportunities." To Mandela, democracy has no sense when it frees a people at the expense of another. Mandela became an icon of reconciliation.

In this way he fought and stopped the apartheid. The best tribute we can do to this man is to perpetuate its moral legacy and defend all his values and ideas. But can his legacy subsist after his death? What is the future of South Africa now?

So long as he was alive, his natural aura and moral authority’s stature managed


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