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Myths And Heroes

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Par   •  26 Mai 2015  •  339 Mots (2 Pages)  •  690 Vues

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A heroe is someone who acts not only for him but also for the others and for the community. He does exclusively good things. There are two sorts of heroes : reels and virtual ones who act in the everyday life like fireman, doctor or a role model .. while the virtual heroes are those that we can see in cinema like Superman, Iron Man ..

A myth, in a few words is just a story that may or may not be true.

To introduce the notion of myths and heroes, i choose to talk about the influence of heroes on people’s careers.

The most sucessfull careers can influence any people and sometimes their own child. For exemple, Edouard Vernon who was a famous american fighter in World War I, was a military pilot. He became a role model, a hero for his son who wanted to become a fighter pilot as well. This pilot influenced other people like his son share his courage, strength ..

An other person who influence worldwide is Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was considered as a new iconic figure with his invention : the iphone and the company Apple where he was at the head of. Its success was worldwide and his death was tragic for many people and that is why he became a heroe even a myth for others. For exemple, Randall Stross wrote about the life of Steve Jobs because he was admiring his career.

At the end, the last person who, for me, can really be qualified of a heroe is Oprah Winfrey. O.Winfrey was born in 1950, she came from a poor family, achieved to earn a spot in TV news with creating her own talk show known worldwide. She is also a generous person, gifted, powerful and most of all admired for her fight to overcome adversity. She is the richest african-american personality and for the American part of the most influential persons in the world.

In conclusion, many professional careers are influenced by the very well known persons or those that we admire.


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