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Mon voyage préféré avec l'école (document en anglais).

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Par   •  9 Décembre 2014  •  Commentaire de texte  •  1 230 Mots (5 Pages)  •  725 Vues

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I’m going to talk about one of my favorite trip with school : The journey to scotland in May 2012.

It begins on the Sunday 6th of May. I already went to england with school last year but i was really excited. We took our flight at 6 pm and land in Edimburgh at 7 pm. Then we took the bus. I was anxious to meet the family. i alreday knew how it’s gonna be but i just couldn’t keep calm. In fact, it’s always disturbing to know that you ‘re going to live in the same house of strangers. Like the other time, i had the same questions in my head. How they look ? Are they nice ? Are they gonna like me ? Nonehteless i was still excited. We’ve waiting half an hour, when mrs Black came in her big 4x4. She was really nice and gentle. She made sure that we were feeling okay during the long way to her house. When we arrived at her home, we met her sons and husband. I was relieve that they were so kind. With my friends, we went upstairs to see our room. I was not expecting this… The room was very small, overstocked. There were 1 bunk bed and a bed for 2. I looked at my friends to know whose going to take the big bed. I mean, it’s obvious that we all wanted to sleep in that bed more than the 2 others. Therfore we agreed to make a planning. We change bed every night during the trip. It was so fun !

On Monday, we walked in the city of Edimburgh. We visited the national Gallery. On the planning of the week, there was written that we were going to do a little ramble on a small hill. Well it was not that small ! it wass hard but the view was breathtaking. After this, i was exhausted, my feet hurt and i was hungry . However, i had a lot of fun. I was with my friends. It’s bettter when you share the tiredness with other people. Our professors gave us a free time alone. I was really excited to do shopping. After spending my money in different shop, we went to starbuck to relax a bit. At the end of this long day i was tired and a bit disappointed by the fact that i didn’t talk that much in english during the day. That’s why i said to my friends that we’re going to try to talk only english even when we are only together. Let’s say that it worked for 2 hours….Actually, it is a bit longer that i was expected !

Tuesday was the worst day of the trip and maybe one of my entire life. That day we went to the national parc of Trossachs, Loch Lemond. We did a gigantic ramble in this parc. There were hills, moutains, mud, animals . When we were saying to ourselves that it can’t be worst than that, the sky darkened and it begins to rain. I was looking for a place to hide from the rain but we were in the forest there were nothing. Therefore, we continued to walk and walk. We were desperate when we found the office park. When we saw this we shouted so loud that someone could think a beast was attacking us. We rest for a couple minutes and then we begin to walk again. By this time the rain has stopped and it’s was really easier. We took a break in an Scottish pub. It was a really interesting place and waiters was very nice to us. After this day , i was so tired that i just eat , clean and sleep when i get back to the Black family.

On Wednesday , we visited the city of Glasgow. In this city we did a kind of treasure hunt. We had to do things like taking pictures of a monument, go to a special place, asking questions to strangers, etc … It was amazing. Actually, it was


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