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Miss Dior Chérie

Commentaires Composés : Miss Dior Chérie. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Avril 2014  •  250 Mots (1 Pages)  •  738 Vues

This advertisement is for the perfume Miss Dior Chérie. This ad is an example of celebrity endorsement, Natalie Portman represent the image of this perfume.

On this ad, there is a close-up of Natalie Portman. We can see her from behind but she turn her head to look at us. She seems naked and she put her hand over her chest. Her black hairs fall in her back. She wears a black hair band with a knots.

In the bottom part, the is the name of the brand and under it a picture of the bottle of perfume. There is a reminder between the silver knots on the bottle and the knots in Natalie Portman hairs.

The background is pale pink. It seems like a wall with molding.

The target of this ad is the woman and especially the young woman. The color of the ad, the knots, the form of the bottle of perfume and the fonts of the name of the brand suggests a really romantic atmosphere ( the commercial on TV is romantic too with a couple in love in Paris).

Also there is a sort of snob appeal because it suggests the use of the perfume makes the customers part of an elite group with a luxurious and glamorous life style. Natalie Portman is the image of this type of life style in this ad .

I think it’s a good ad because it a beautiful image witch attract the girls who like this kind of product.


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