Les Themes
Recherche de Documents : Les Themes. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 15 Septembre 2013 • 10 761 Mots (44 Pages) • 875 Vues
About Myself.
Hi, I'm Tania. I'm seventeen. I'm at 11th grade, and this year I'm getting ready to my final examinations. I'm doing quite well at school, and my parents are proud of me. My Mum is thirty-eight; she's a doctor. My Dad is forty; he works for a newspaper. They both speak English and German, and Dad can also speak Japanese. They taught me English when I was small. There is another child in the family — my brother, he's ten. When he was a baby, I looked after him. Now I help him with his homework. My grandparents are already retired. They like gardening and spend all their time growing tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, looking after fruit-trees and rasp¬berry bushes, feeding their ten hens who lay fresh tasty eggs for them. My Granny also likes knitting. She knits warm beautiful sweaters and socks for us. I've got two pets — a cat and a guinea pig. I love animals and I enjoy taking care of them. Probably I'll become a vet, but I haven't decided yet.
1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Do you go to school?
4. How old are your parents?
5. What do they do?
6. Are you the only child in the family?
7. Do you have grandparents?
9. Do you have a pet?
Geographic Location of Ukraine.
Ukraine is situated in the south-east of Europe. On the east it has border with Russia, on the north — with Russia and Byelorussia, on the west — with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldavia. On the south it is washed by the Black and Azov Seas. The total area of Ukraine is 603, 700 square kilometers. Its most extreme point in the north is village Mooravyi in Chernihiv region; in the south — cape Sarych on the Crimea peninsula; in the west — town Chop; in the east — settlement Melovoye in Lugansk region.
Due to its favorable location Ukraine can maintain economic relations with neighboring countries. The main Ukrainian river Dnieper connects it with Byelorussia and Russia; the river Danube is the water route to seven European countries. In the south, the Black and Azov Seas, which never freeze, are open all-year-round to the Southern Russia.
There are only two mountainous areas in Ukraine — the Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains. The rest of its territory are mostly plains, which are favorable for agriculture.
The mineral resources of Ukraine are outstanding; there are almost all the important minerals necessary for a national economy.
1. What part of the world is Ukraine situated in?
2. Which countries does it border with?
3. Are there any seas in Ukraine?
4. What is the total area of Ukraine?
5. Which are its boundaries?
6. Does Ukraine maintain economic relations with other countries?
7. Are there any mountains in Ukraine?
8. Is Ukraine rich in mineral resources?
Geographic Location of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. The British Ides lie off the north-west coast of continental Europe. They - include two main islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and lesser is¬lands off their coasts. The total area of the British Isles is 325,000 square km.
The islands are the home of four peoples — the English ^ Scots, Welsh and Irish.
A glance at the map shows how close Great Britain lies to the mainland of Europe. Long ages ago the British Ides formed part of the continent. The rocky headlands of Scotland, for example, re¬semble the Norwegian coast, and the plains of south-east England are like the Dutch and French lands which they face. Further evi¬dence that the islands were part of the continent is the shallowness of the water between them and the mainland.
The island Great Britain is separated from the mainland by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover, between this island and the island of Ireland there is the Irish Sea. The eastern coasts of the British Isles are washed by the North Sea, on the west and North they are surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean.
Their island position allowed the people to share in great cul¬tural advances that originated on the continent without being over¬whelmed by them or by the armies of continental military powers.
1. Where is the United Kingdom located?
2. What do the British Isles consist of?
3. What is the total area of the British Isles?
4. How close do they fie to the mainland of Europe?
5. Is it true that they used to be a part of the continent?
6. Which four peoples live on the British Isles?
7. Which seas are the British Isles surrounded by?
8. Is their Island position beneficial to the British people?
About My Family.
My family isn't too large, isn't too small; just a typical Ukrai¬nian family: Mum, Dad, two Grannies and two Grandpas. My Mum is thirty-seven, she's a teacher. She teachers the art of housekeeping. She enjoys teaching girls to sew, to embroider, to knit and to cook, and the girls respect her very much. My Dad is forty-one, he is a mechanic, he repairs cars. Me and my brother, we both try to learn from our Dad and we spend all our free time in his garage, helping him and learning at the same time. .
My grandfathers are retired, but they are very vigorous and active. They like gardening. They grow vegetables and fruits for all the family and even in winter time and early spring we have fruit and green on our dinner table. Both my Grannies can also embroider very skilfully. They make marvellous towels, tablecloths, pillows, shirts and sell them to the store. My Grandpas can do carpentry, plumbing and metalwork. My grandparents' lifestyle proves that eld¬erly people can be active, independent and useful to society. They are a good example for all of us arid when I reach their age I want to be like them.
My younger