Le placement (document en anglais)
Fiche de lecture : Le placement (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar chloe.x17 • 11 Janvier 2015 • Fiche de lecture • 392 Mots (2 Pages) • 669 Vues
Article 3 - Dispositions of the agreement :
The agreement is made up of general and particular dispositions composed of pedagogical and financial appendices as weel as in the charter of students' work placements in firms. It will be signed by the headmaster and the company supervisor as weel as by the student or his/her parent or guardian if he/she is under 18. The teachers and the work experience tutor should also be aware of the requirements of the agreement of the contact.
Article 4 - Status and obligations of students :
Troughout the work placement period, students retain their scholastic, status and remain under the headmaster, responsibility. The student cannot claim any financial remunaration from the company. Yet, he/she can be granted a bonus at the company's discretion. During this period, students have to comply with rules of the firm, especially those concerning safety, working hours and discipline. The student must respect professional secret and will not transcribe any confidential data about the company in his/her report.
Article 5 - Working time
It is the legal weekly working time or conventional working time if it is inferior to the legal duration.
Article 6 - Duration and working time for students under 18 :
It cannot exceed 8 hours a day and 35 hours a week.
Article 7 - In the event of a work accident :
According to the social security code, the student is covered by the legislation concerning work accidents. The company should declare the accident occurring at work or during his/her commute to work. In case of accident, the headmaster should be immediately informed.
Article 8 - Responsibility of the company :
The company supervisor testifies that his company is allowed to welcome students under 18
Article 9 - Civil liability insurance :
The company manager takes the required dispositions to guarantee his civil liability. The headmaster will take out an insurance policy which guarantees the civil liability of the student in the event of any harm he/she may cause during the training period.
Article 10 - Thoughout the experience placement
The headmaster and the company supervisor will be kept mutually informed of the difficulties that may occur during the training period. Any absences or discipline problems should be notified to the high school representative.
Article 11 - Work placement assessment
The company manager will complete a work placement assessment that will be required for the completion of the degree.