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Idée De Progrès ( synthèse en anglais)

Documents Gratuits : Idée De Progrès ( synthèse en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Mai 2014  •  210 Mots (1 Pages)  •  2 682 Vues

The idea of progress

I'm going to talk about the notion of idea of progress .

The idea of progress : believing that the world can become better (art, science,technology, liberty and quality of life .

The internet he has a positive or negative effect on the people ?

To illustrate the concept we studied the text of Tommy, the iBoy.

Tommy is a boy who has a phone stuck in his head. This allowed him to have access to all the given message to the world that deny information on bank transaction he had access to all the given exists.

1) the positive effect because it helps achieve and accomplish anything, it gives us more knowledge and helps us to communicate. Thanks to him we can shape our lives and make progress in the world at technology for easy viewing in the population.

2) the negative effects the Internet has on the population that the information is not always accurate. This can deprive a social life and led to social exclusion.

Conclusion :

I concluded by saying that the Internet is a positive and negative in people's lives, but is not always reliable and it is inconvenience. But progress is progress and tools in the idea that you can have in the world.


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