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Facebook (document en anglais)

Commentaire de texte : Facebook (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Décembre 2014  •  Commentaire de texte  •  288 Mots (2 Pages)  •  557 Vues

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Partie 1

Compte rendu écrit en françaissecond document,we can see Australia and Great-Britain are the users who spend most time connected to the social network.Indeed they are connected nearly 7 hours per days.We can qualify americains,koreans,spanishs as average users because the cross fewer time than the britishs or Austalians.Finally,french,german and japonese are the ones who are the least connected to the the social network.

2.Facebook is the leader of social netword in the world.Indeed,in the document ,we can learn,facebook has more than 400 millions of visitors on 2009 october,while Windows live has 200 millions of visitors.

It's intersting to analyse about twitter which has many success uin 2014.In october 2009,tweeter had more than 50 million sof visitors.Windows live and my space are today completely has been,because the leaders are facebook and tweeter.

Exercice 4

facture -bill

outil - tool


subvention - grant


faire face à quelque chose - to cope with something

sécurité - safety

disponible - available

donner la capacité à quelqu’un de faire quelque chose - enable someone

prestations sociales - outreach

Exercice 5

Right or wrong? Justify your answers with elements from the document.


1. The document is a newsletter W ("Go paperless, read our newsletter online").

2. Power Electric uses new technology to reduce paper and keep in touch

with its customers.R

3. Power Electric tries to give an image of itself as a socially responsible

company engaged in sustainable development W ("te mini grant program provides support for curriculums that

teach energy-related issues such as energy efficiency, energy afety and conservation.").

4. Power Electric tries to show it is compassionate towards customers who

have trouble paying their electric bills. ¨ ¨

5. The bills have been higher in 2010 because of the economic crisis.W ("Power Electric

understands high winter bills are a major concern, especially during he cold season in the current economic recession.")


Partie 1


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