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Exemple mémo anglais

Lettre type : Exemple mémo anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Décembre 2018  •  Lettre type  •  667 Mots (3 Pages)  •  910 Vues

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To:            Pharmatec Pharmaceutical’s Managing Director 

From:       Vincent Mills, Pharmatec Pharmaceutical’s HumanRessources Manager

Date:        November 15, 2018  

Subject:   Advice on hiring of Japanese management consultant


As part of the negotiation of the important contract with one of the Japanese leaders in the pharmaceutical sector and following my presence at the seminar given by the well-known Mrs. Tomomi Moriwake. I am now turning to you with elements that may be useful in the negotiation of this contract. Indeed, the brief but very synthetic presentation of the Japanese corporate culture, by Mrs Tomomi Moriwake, highlighted the different aspects of a well-conducted corporate culture.

One of the fundamentals to dwell on and understand is the fact that it is very complex to do business in Japan without an accurate knowledge of the culture.

So to approach the Japanese corporate culture, Mrs Tomomi Moriwake mentions three points on which it is essential to focus.

The first is the “emphasis on the group”, closely linked with the “emphasis on human and interpersonal factors or relationships”.

  In Japanese society, and corporations, the individual has traditionally derived identity from group affiliations including family, school, and company.

In Japan, it is not uncommon to feel a real group effect on individuals, individuals fully aware of the importance of cohesion within a group and a company, to move forward together in the same direction for a common satisfaction.

 Indeed, it is not uncommon in Japan to meet businesspeople who define themselves through their company.

One of the reasons for this group spirit is that Japan is a "small island" where homogeneity is a necessity, and each individual is ready to sacrifice a little of self-interest, in name of the team and try to have everybody agree in the interest of the company. The Japanese are aware that their nation has no other natural resources than themselves, which leads them to develop real ties between them whether in society or in business. The Japanese give a very important place to being on a group and this phenomenon is explained primarily by the way of life but also the Japanese tradition.

Furthermore the, maintenance of the "morale of the troops" is an important factor of success since the employees are for the most part present in the company from the beginning until the end of their career, strengthening ties between employees who have known each other for the most part since university.

Finally, the “emphasis of Japanese Managers”.

In Japan, each employee is more or less trained in a broad fashion, which allows to have qualified personnel able to adapt to any post or service while remaining efficient. Thus, managers move from department to department to spread their knowledge, but also learn new things.


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