- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC


Fiche : Disserta. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Décembre 2015  •  Fiche  •  388 Mots (2 Pages)  •  472 Vues

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After those revelations, Alice’S head wanted to explode. Is it real? Is it dangerous for us? Should she try to find it? Did anyone ever see the Pontianak? All those questions were unanswered, but as usual, Alice won’t let this like it is right now. Her mom always said that she read to much detective novels, but Alice said that it has nothing to do with it. As soon as she arrived, Alice went to her room without saying a word. She looked at the tons  she had but she saw nothing about the Pontianak.

‘’Alice dinner’s ready! ‘’ Her mom said

‘’Ok, I come.’’ Answered Alice

‘’Are you ok?’’ Asked Mrs. Brooke when Alice finally went down the stairs.

‘’Yes, why mom?’’

‘’Well, you didn’t say a word since you arrived.’’

‘’It’s nothing mom. I have a big homework to do so I wanted to go to my room as fast as I can!’’

‘’Ok…’’ replied her mom.

Alice wanted to speak to her mother so much, but she knew that we wouldn’t let her find the Pontianak. So she finally went to sleep and waited until the next day to start to seek the undead predator. As soon as the sun rose, Alice woke up and took her breakfast. Then she dressed and went to her best friend’s house. Caroline opened the door, she was surprised to see Alice that early in the morning.

‘’Why are you doing here at seven o'clock? I mean I’m happy to see you, but why haha?’’

‘’Well, I thought all night about what you told me yesterday and I decided to seek the predator’’

‘’Are you crazy? If you remember, I told you that many children disappeared since the legend is released.’’

‘’I know, but I need to know if that thing really exist and if it is really dangerous. I thought that it would be less dangerous if I bring a friend with me…’’

‘’You are lucky that you’re my best friend, because in other case I would never have come with you!’’

‘’Thanks Caro! It’ll be fun... Well, I guess so!’’

‘’ Await me here, I'll pick up my things and leave a message under my pillow in case something happens.’’

5 minutes later, Alice and Caroline left the house and started to walk towards the forest.  While walking, Caroline asked Alice why she wanted to seek the predator?


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