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Dialogue entre Demandeur d'emploi et employeur

Compte Rendu : Dialogue entre Demandeur d'emploi et employeur. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Avril 2013  •  456 Mots (2 Pages)  •  5 373 Vues

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Dialogue job seeker/employer

Employer: Good morning!

Job seeker: Good morning! I’m Rebecca Robins and I saw your ad for a

babysitter . Are you still looking for someone?

Employer: Oh, yes I am! So… my daughters have five and two years old. Have

you ever looked after children?

Job seeker: Oh yes, I have two little brothers and I sometimes kept their. How

often would you need me?

Employer: The best would be… for 2 weeks erm… Wednesdays afternoon and

Saturdays afternoon. Does that sound OK to you?

Job seeker: Oh yes, no problem.

Employer: Erm… Why are you looking for a job?

Job seeker: Well, I’m actually student and I have a trip during the next

holidays at Berlin so I need money for buy presents for my parents

and my friends.

Employer: Oh, What a wonderful idea! So, I usually pay three pounds an hour.

Does that sound reasonable to you?

Job seeker: It’s perfect! How long would you need me for?

Employer: Erm… About four hours on Wednesday and Saturdays afternoons…

Job seeker: That would be fine with me!

Employer: So… See you tomorrow at two o’clock PM!

Job seeker: See you tomorrow!


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