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Dissertations Gratuits : Devoir anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Janvier 2015  •  269 Mots (2 Pages)  •  890 Vues

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Devoir 2: Anglais

1- General comprehension


This document is an article from the internet because it has been extracted from the website of BBC news:


The story takes place in the Middle East: between Israel and Arabs neighbours


The story is about conflicts to control water, water and agriculture, saving water and also war about territories

2 – Detailed comprehension


a) Two words about the war: “tensions” l.5 and “conflics”l.15

b) Four words or groups of words that suggest that there is not a lot of water: “scarce”; “water have fallen to a critically low level”; “the lake is lower” and “water levels went below the danger line”


In this part of the world, the water comes from the Nile, the Tigris and the Euphrates.


It will be really dangerous in 2025 if nothing changes because lots of people won’t be able to have clean supplies. “Observers say that by 2025, 48 countries will be severely short of water and half the people on earth will not have access to clean supplies”


a) Right, “Five years ago the water reached this line. Today you can see the lake is lower and the shoreline is in the distance.”

b) Wrong, They will be a war if Israel does not “release land and water and change the way it uses supplies”

c) Wrong, “Palestinians gathering water from a spring in their village use a quarter as much water as their Israeli neighbours.”

d) Right, “They’ve got to change their crops, cut down on citrus, cut down on rice”

e) Right, “They are the most water-consuming crops of all”

f) Wrong, “Israel shows no signs of returning land with access to rivers or underground supplies.”


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