Devoir D'anglais: les avantages d'avoir un nouveau travail
Documents Gratuits : Devoir D'anglais: les avantages d'avoir un nouveau travail. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar SaraL92 • 13 Mars 2015 • 820 Mots (4 Pages) • 2 433 Vues
Dans cet article, Kevin McKee nous montre les avantages d'obtenir un nouveau travail après au moins deux ans. Il nous démontre par deux raisons pourquoi il est formellement important de ne pas rester trop longtemps dans une même fonction au sein d'une entreprise. La première raison est que cela apporte peu de sécurité au salarié. En effet, le salarié, en étant bon à faire qu'une seule chose, ne pourra pas benéficier d'autres grandes opportunités dans une autre société que la sienne et meme dans sa propre socièté.
Ainsi, il nous explique que si la société n'a plus besoin de la fonction que le salarié occupait, le salarié ne sera plus bon à faire autre chose dans sa compagnie et sa présence au sein de l'entreprise ne sera plus indispensable. La deuxième raison est qu'il est difficille d'avoir une promotion dans une entreprise dans laquelle on a excercé la meme fonction pendant longtemps. Le patron verra toujours dans ce salarié la personne qui fera ce travail le mieux à cause des années passées d'expériences à faire la meme chose. Selon lui, il est necéssaire de continuer à apprendre pour plus d'expériences et de compétences à notre portée en cas de licenciement.
10 points.
The statement of the American millionnaire means much that the most dangerous advice you can give a child is he will look for a safe, secure job. It not really the beginning of the statement which is dangerous but at the end of the school is not guarantee he will find a safe and secure job. Going to school and do well is not enough for him to find a safe job.
In my opinion, it depends the kind of job you are looking for. For example, in the finance or economic sector, things move a lot that means you can't do only one thing, be good at just one thing. You have to have many leverages in your hand to move in these sectors. I think that a safe and secure job doesn't exist but a child will learn it as he moves forward in his studies. It a good thing to go to school and have good marks but it not enough because you have to learn things and « catch » it in your mind. For me, general culture is very important for someone, to know many things in different domains. In that way, you can be a help for many things or you can build your own society.
Like in the article, you have to learn again and again even if you start a work, to do something else when you want to move in your carrer and in case you lose your job. You can't be performant on one thing or to know just one thing but many to be hire anytime you want in another job. That why, people like now, working in a international way. You get more opportunities when you can speak different languages and get a promotion in an other country because of languages, hard work and different skills on your own.
The statement of the American millionnaire means that the most dangerous advice you can give a child is to look for a safe, secure job. It is not really the beginning of the statement which is dangerous but the end, that school is not a guarantee he will find a safe and secure job. Going to school and doing well is not enough for him to find a safe job.
In my opinion, it depends on the kind of job you are looking for. For example, in the finance