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Devoir D'anglais: exercices d'aide à la compréhension

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Devoir 1 écrit

Exercices d’aide à la compréhension

Exercice 1

Trouvez la traduction du mot anglais dans la colonne de droite.

1 stranded m en rade

2 last (v) o durer

3 at least s au moins

4 likewise p de même

5 appointment l rendez-vous

6 not (...) either q non plus

7 reluctant (adj) t réticent

8 upshot (n) a résultat

9 assume (v) n supposer

10 carried out r réalisé / executé

11 the former b le premier / celui là

12 the latter g le dernier / celui ci

13 to urge c encourager / pousser

296AACTPA01 2/5

14 mind (v) e déranger

15 to process k digérer/comprendre

16 as fas as(...)concerned i en ce qui concerne

17 tip (n) f suggestion

18 match (v) j aller avec

19 leaning (v) d se penchant

20 slouched h affalé

Exercice 2

Répondez aux questions suivantes :

1. Compréhension Globale : cochez la bonne réponse.

1 The document is about

o Improving transportation networks

o Dealing with customer complaints

x The importance of communication in business

2 The article focuses on

o Managers and their subordinates

x Customers, managers and employees

o Families

3 The companies involved are

x All types of companies

o Online start ups

oTransportation companies

4 According to the article online and telephone

customer service

o Have improved communication between companies

and customers

o Are preferred by customers to person to person


x Are often frustrating

5 To be effective, a message should be

x detailed and exhaustive

o face to face, short and to the point

o in the FAQ section of the web site and recorded

6 Companies

o have made great progress in communication

o spend too much money on training employees in

communication skills

o Need to make progress in communication

296AACTPA01 3/5

2. Compréhension détaillée

A. VRAI-FAUX (cochez la bonne case et justifiez avec des éléments du document).



Over the years thanks to IT, communication between companies and their clients has considerably


Telephone automation and online help often frustrates customers as it is impersonal, time consuming and

often not clear.


Companies prefer to do business online as it saves money

They do not have to hire employees and pay them salaries.


Most customer telephone services are automated

Right, nowadays it is hard to reach an operator directly


Call center representatives are native speakers

They are often off shore employees in a foreign country who do not speak English well.


Thanks to communication courses in college, graduates are well-prepared in these skills when

they start their first job

Managers often complain they lack communication skills.


If managers want an employee to do good work, they must give clear instructions and urge

employees to ask questions

If the employee doesn’t understand the instruction he/she usually won’t ask a question and will do the task

without really understanding what is required, so the quality of the work suffers.

B. Répondez aux questions suivantes :

Faites une liste des quatre choses que doit faire un manager pour féliciter ou réprimander ses employés

pour leur travail (§4).

Praising reprimanding

1 be reactive and respond quickly be reactive and respond quickly

2 look the employee in the eye look the employee in the eye

3 clearly and sincerely say what he/she did well clearly and sincerely say what he/she did wrong

4 give a firm handshake ending on an encouraging

note give a firm handshake ending on an encouraging note

Remplissez le tableau avec des conseils pour une meilleure communication concernant


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