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Devoir Anglais: l'IPAD

Note de Recherches : Devoir Anglais: l'IPAD. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Mai 2013  •  242 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 050 Vues

Presentation Ipad

Hello ,Ladies and Gentleman

I am going to present you the iPad 1.

2. Firstly I am going to introduce the company by speaking about the history of Apple, and the main branch of the company. Then I am going to present you my product which is The iPad 1. In my last part I will talk about terms of sale

3. The company in the apple has created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Today Apples company have 46 600 employees and its Turnover is about 65, 23 billion dollars. With the Ipad Apple has many competitors, which his competitors are Samsung with galaxy Tab , Asus with eeePad, Microsoft with HP TOUCHPAD Sony with Tablet S

but his main competitor on the sector of the tactile tablet is Samsung.

4. Now let us pass in the history of Apple and in the most important dates of the company.

5. Apple is N°1 in the sale of the computer, in Smartphone but also recently in the stock exchange

6. Apple is present in different sector like music sector with Ipod , Computer sector with macbook ,macintosch, Phone sector with different Iphone

7. Now I am going to present you the iPad 1!!!!

8.He arrange …

9. Now let us look at one of numerous, advertising of Apple for this product

10. PUB

11. Let us speak now about terms of sale of The iPad 1.

For 300 iPads 16go the unit price will be ( prix ) thus 15 % of reduction


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