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Devoir Anglais 2eme Année Cned Muc: étude d'un extrait d'un article issu de The Economist

Dissertation : Devoir Anglais 2eme Année Cned Muc: étude d'un extrait d'un article issu de The Economist. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Février 2015  •  461 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 335 Vues

Page 1 sur 2

Partie 1 :

Cet article est extrait du journal « The Economist » paru le 19 novembre 2011.

Cela parle d'une application pour smartphone qui possède également un site internet pour l'utiliser et qui a été pensée par Dara O'Rourke, un professeur de l'environnement et de la politique du travail dans une université de Californie.

Cette application qui se nomme « GoodGuide » et mise en place en 2008 permet de renseigner les personnes sur divers produits de la qualité, du prix, du risque ou autre, que ce soit sur la nourriture, d'autres applications, des réseaux sociaux etc..

Afin de se servir de l’application, un scan permet de « flasher » un code bar d'un produit afin de le retrouver dans la base de données et donner les informations sur le produit à l'utilisateur.

Dara O'Rourke a encore des idées pour développer l'application, il souhaite influencer les consommateurs sur leur achat de vêtement.

140 words

Partie 2 :

1. In fact, there are increasingly applicable, these applications have many advantages but also disadvantages:

Concerning applications for our personal lives, it helps us greatly to answer questions quickly, if we want to know the news, if a product is good for health or not etc ... Just use our smartphone and few clicks to access all the information we want.

When we are in a train or another and we do not know what to do, we can play games in the form of applications to take care.

Moreover, it has become easier to meet people, to make friends or more via sites like facebook, meetic, etc .. But such sites can also be dangerous, they may experience the "fake" (person is creating a false identity) who may want us harm.

Concerning applications for our professional lives, just as our personal lives, an application can greatly help in finding information faster than a computer, for example, in a company where I did an internship there was a telephone with an application that allowed by scanning an article to know the price, the remaining stock etc ..

But beware of employees in any business may be tempted to use an application to personal reason, with the risk of being seen by their superior.

2. We could reduce the environmental impact by paying attention to what we buy. Indeed some of the products we buy have a bad impact on the environment. For example, when we buy fruit out of season, this means that the fruit was transported from a different country so there was pollution during transportation.

In another example on clothing, some clothes will have a long life according to the material of the fabric or pollute less, eg jeans with organic tissue is less degrading to the environment than other tissues.

So just be careful what we buy organic products are advisers to avoid degrading the environment even more expensive price.


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