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Description d'un document (document en anglais)

Mémoires Gratuits : Description d'un document (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  31 Mai 2015  •  260 Mots (2 Pages)  •  854 Vues

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This document is a b&w drawing, drawn by the cartoonist Chappatte. The document is taken from a newspaper named « The International New York Times ». It was published on the 7th of January 2015. It is about the slaughter of « Charlie Hebdo »

We can see in the foreground a man saying « Without humor we are all dead ». He looks sad and disapointed. He isn't tall or small, he is just medium sized. He isn't fat or thin, he has just an average weight. He is wearing a sweater with trousers. He is only an ordinary man, looking like every one else. He is holding a flower in his left hand, he will certainely put it with the others, in the bottom right-hand corner. There ain't just flowers, there are a weekly « Charlie Hebdo » and a sign with Cabu's face on it. Next to the man, in the bottom left hand corner, there is a broken pen on the floor, it is representing the broken nation after all the things that happend. Over it, there is the signature of Chappatte and a little quote « In memory of Cabu, Wolinski, Charb and Tignous » They were the cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo.

Before this document was drawn, a terrible thing arrived and stagged all the world. 2 extremists mulsims brothers commited a massacre in the Charlie Hebdo's locals.

I think this drawing represent peace because it doesn't shows things ab religion, or violence or anything, it just shows the sadness of the population and the national mourning bc there is no colors, only black, white, and grey.


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