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Canal De Distribution Du Vin Francais Au Brésil (document en anglais)

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Par   •  21 Mai 2014  •  386 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 190 Vues

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Franck Richard

Bachelor 3 Study Abroad

Wine case study part 2.

1) Entry mode in the chosen market, and why? --> Brazil

Places of sale

Sales in the detail count four types(chaps) of distribution networks:

- The wholesale:

There are two types of companies of wholesale: those who work self-service and the groupings of purchase and redistribution (for the stores which buy in small quantity). The main clauses(head teachers) are: Atacadao, Martin;

- The retail trade:

This practice is applied in specialized stores in imported products, " lojas of conveniência " (gas station), luxury supermarkets, bars, hotels and restaurants;

- The mass-market retailing:

The operators of the mass-market retailing try to develop the quality of service(department) of their beam wine by training(forming) specialized sellers. The main distributors are: CBD (Brazilian Company of Distribution) with brands.

Pão of present Açucar in all the country, Extra(Special), Carrefour(crossroads), Wall Mart (sign Bom Preço) and Sonae Brasil;

- Delicatessens and luxury supermarkets:

It is specialized stores which address an easy(well-to-do) clientele. They are a few but are prestigious signs(brands). There is Casa Santa Luzia and Emporioà Sao Paulo, and Zona Sul in Rio de Janeiro.

Near half of the wines sold in Brazil are it via supermarkets and hypermarkets. Establishment of on-site sale (16 %) and the direct and remote sellings come then the convenience stores(repairmen) ( less than a quarter).

Sales in coffee(café), hotel, restoring (CHR)((REGIONAL HOSPITAL)) The channel Hotels, Restaurants is at present in phase of development and is supplied in its quasi-whole lot by importers. This market share in the total sales of wine in Brazil is 30 %. A few years ago, only a tiny percentage of restaurants possessed one wine list. At present, the majority of restaurants and hotels of more than two stars offer a vast list of wines to choose. Indeed, the wine lost its stuck-up side with which it was associated in past. It is Argentine and Chilean wines which are dominant on these wine lists. Sales in distanceLe e-commerce in Brazil is still low, but there is a high potential. Indeed, the country appears among the first 5 countries to the world regarding access to Internet, and is very open to the new trends. We consider that the sales of wine on the Internet are going to increase by 30 % a year. Certain companies tripled their sales.

2) marketing plan + marketing mix (4P)


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