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Article sur l'Interview entre le Président de l'Amérique et le Président de l'Iran le 27 septembre 2013 (document en anglais)

Documents Gratuits : Article sur l'Interview entre le Président de l'Amérique et le Président de l'Iran le 27 septembre 2013 (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Octobre 2013  •  212 Mots (1 Pages)  •  935 Vues

my article is about an interview between the president of america and the president of iran the 27 september 2013. the autor of this article is laure mandeville and is published in the

These last days there have been an interview between the president of united states of america barack obama and the new president of iran mister hassan rohani. this is a fact historical because there haven't been an interview between them, since 34 years. After the conversation Obama announced that they discussed the future agreement about a iranien nuclear program.

We can said that is a big diplomatic advance between these two countries, because many conflicts opposed them and there never haven't been a discussion to calm the situations until now. moreover, is rohani who wanted speak with Obama

Since 1979 they didn't have contact the cause is to hostage taking in american embassy in teheran. After this, Iran was classed like the first country in the axis of the evil by america. And for Iranians , america was as big satan. Today , the ice begins to break that could facilitate the future relations enter them. Nevertheless, the president Obama remains careful Because he is afraid of an operation of Iran to save time and build the weapon of mass destruction


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