Anglais: Lieux Et Forme De Pouvoir
Note de Recherches : Anglais: Lieux Et Forme De Pouvoir. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar prov • 14 Mai 2015 • 239 Mots (1 Pages) • 1 212 Vues
In order to begin my presentation about form and location of power, it will be necessary for me to define what power means. In the dictionary, power refers to the ability to control others, events, or ressources, the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. This of course leads to conflict between those who have power and those who don't. And sometimes the power experienced as unfair or unjust and harmful, called a power-cons for resistance. In order to demonstrate that, i would like to talk about the American black movement, a particular form of protest and revolt, who fought for a more equitable and representative power against various forms of oppression and assujetissements minorities.
To illustrate this notion, i choose to talk about the civil right movement in the USA. At the end of Civil Wars during reconstruction, one admentment is adopted in 1865: abolition of slavery. It's the thirty amendment. Recognition of African Americans seems to work bu legislation unfavorable to African-Americans are adopted, requiring racial segregation in many areas of daily life (buses, restaurants, schools,ect...), called laws « Jim Crow ». In 1896, the supreme court in a landmark court case, Plessy V Ferguson, legalizing « separate but equal » doctrine and considers that the constitution prohibits discrimination on the part of states but not indivudual acts and discrimination. Consequently African-Americans are regulary victims of violence and intimidation, especially from the Ku Klux Klan.