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Anglais Devoir 1 Cned: étude de l'article « But I am your son ... »

Compte Rendu : Anglais Devoir 1 Cned: étude de l'article « But I am your son ... ». Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Mars 2013  •  373 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 141 Vues

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1) Present this document :

This document is an article entitled « But I am your son … » It was taken from the Gardian and published on October 14th, 1979. The text is composed of an introduction and the article divided into two parts separated by narrative sentence « After three months at the hospital there was an assessment meeting ». There are four paragraphs in the article.

2) Can you translate title of document?

« Mais je suis ton fils … » Le titre nous laisse penser qu’il y a un problème relationnel entre le fils et ces parents.

3) Sum up the introduction in your own words

This is the life of a mentally handicapped boy.

Today sixteen year old, his family which asked a lot of question makes a choice.

4) Explain the last sentence of the text

David is with persons whose handicap is even heavier and the place seems to be adapted to him.

5) Show that the journalist is present in the article

Question 2 :

The father is tired of his son and he wants to send him away. N°2

David is a very nice boy but his father did not manage to accept his handicap. N°4

David is a sociable boy in the hospital. N°5

David has been staying with his parents for 16 years. N°1

The father confesses horrible feelings he had. N°3

Question 3 :

1. mes réussites : my achievements

2. tuer : murder

3. il a un large sourire : he have grins wickedly

4. pardoner : to forgive

5. j’étais très surprise : I was staggered

6. chambre d’hôpital : ward

Question 4 :

1) FALSE. For nearly sixteen years, there parents looked after their mentally handicapped son at home.

2) TRUE. I could not stand his stupid face.

3) FALSE. The most wicked thing he has done in recent years … on his cornflakes

4) TRUE. The nurse in charge of David knows him well and all who work with him spoke warmly of his humour, his helpfulness.

5) FALSE. With us he led a static life, conscious no doubt of rejection and exclusion.

6) TRUE. What after all was his place in a family where we talk all the time, argue fiercely and complex things like going to the theatre or to concerts?

Question 5 :

1) I : the father; his : David

2) Us


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