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Analyse D'une Chanson De Protestation réalisé par Bob Dylan (document en anglais)

Mémoires Gratuits : Analyse D'une Chanson De Protestation réalisé par Bob Dylan (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Mai 2014  •  300 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 235 Vues

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Bob dylan is an american singer, songwriter and poet. He was in 1941.

In1962 he wrote a song in a particular context, since 3 year it's war on the vietnam and a lot of American youth mobilize against violence and for the civil law. When he sing for the first time blowin' in the wind, he was just 21.

One year after, in 1963 this song was cover by 250,000 demonstrator during the march on Washington when Martin Luther King pronouced his famous speech «  i have a dream »

This song is compose of 3 stanza each compose of 8 line.

each line ask a question, the answer it's always the same and constitue the refrain. Bob dylan don't give answer, he want that we reflect.

dove → symbol of peace

cannon → symbol of war and gun

opposition, here bob explain that we can't have peace until gun are not forbidden

I say In each lines, he ask question so that it's for show his indignation because the situation like *** denounce the hypocrisy of human. It's good to ask the question but if you don't do something for solving the situation it's unnecessary.

The strenght of the sing is that the lyrics can serve for every fight.

Bob dylan claiming peace in denouncing in the same time the .

He chose to ask question in his song and not just sing, this method strenghened the protestation because the one who listen must think about the lyrics.

This song is still considered today like one of the most famous protest song

I chose this song because i knew that bob dylan is considerate like a famous singer and songwriter of protest song.

And we studied slavery and segregation as the speech of Martin luther king so for my it was in close relationship with th themes about th


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