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Cours : Adhocracy.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Novembre 2016  •  Cours  •  586 Mots (3 Pages)  •  752 Vues

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Adhocracy is a flexible, adaptable and informal form of organization that is defined by a lack of formal structure used to describe an organizational configuration that engages in a context of volatile and complex environments, multidisciplinary and transversal skills. In order to carry out specific tasks (such as problem solving, the search for efficiency in management, development of a new product, etc.). Adhocracy was first formulated by Alvin Toffler in Future Shock (1970) and was popularized by Robert Waterman Jr. in adhocracy. The Power to Change (1990).

This organizing principle is opposed to the bureaucracy. The term "ad hoc" indeed indicates that the persons chosen in the organization work under little-formalized groups of projects receiving significant autonomy with respect to procedures and reporting lines normally in force. In a adhocratic team, the main mechanism of coordination between operators is mutual adjustment. This feature makes the adhocratic a flexible management style, often compared to the normal functioning of nature

The adhocratic organization is used by several large companies (like NASA or Motorola) to conduct major projects. According to Toffler, "The rise of adhocracy is a direct consequence of the acceleration of the development of society as a whole"

Alvin Toffler popularized the term "adhocracy" in his study The Future Shock (1970). It defines adhocracy as an organization that brings together experts from different disciplines together to combine their respective expertise to realize an innovative project. It is a flexible structure, temporary and having a fixed end

The adhocracy is a type of organization within the theoretical system of Henry Mintzberg. It is defined by its own characteristics:

• Specialization of horizontal tasks based on a solid formation of the actors (experts ...)

• A tendency to bundle professional in functional units to achieve the set objectives;

• A tendency to disperse in small teams to achieve their project (management by project);

• Mutual adjustment is the key coordinating mechanism, within and between teams.

Synthetically, we can say that the social order in adhocratic organization no longer based on the rules, but a consensus emerges of an institutionalized dialogue in which everyone can participate (mutual adjustment).

In this model, everyone is supposed to have built the collective interest and speak on his behalf. Decisions are taken by individuals informed strategic objectives. Court members have a responsibility to meet them. Decisions framed by action principles replace inflexible rules and procedures.

Company like NASA or Motorola are know for their use of adhocratie organization. Unfortunately it’s really to find concrete explanation of the way they use adhocratie in order to take decision. However Valve Corporation a video game development company made famous by including Half-Life, Counter Strike, Team Fortress, Left 4 Dead and Portal left the document they give to their new employee public. And the Preface of this document summarize really well what adhocratie mean :  “In 1996, we set out to make great games, but we knew back then that we had to first create a place that was designed to foster that greatness. A place where incredibly talented individuals are empowered to put their best work into the hands of millions of people, with very little in their way. This book is an abbreviated encapsulation of our guiding principles. As Valve continues to grow, we hope that these principles will serve each new person joining our ranks. If you are new to Valve, welcome. Although the goals in this book are important, it’s really your ideas, talent, and energy that will keep Valve shining in the years ahead. Thanks for being here. Let’s make great things. »


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