6 176 Biographies dissertations gratuites 1 996 - 2 010
Biographique Marivaux, siècle des lumières
Marivaux est un écrivain français né le 8 février 1688 et il est décédé le 12 février 1763. Ses œuvres principales sont « Les Fausses Confidences » (1737), « L’île des esclaves » (1725) …. Il est le 5ème auteur le plus joué par la Comédie-Française. Il est surtout connu
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Biography of Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse was born on the fourteenth of September nineteen eighty-three and she died on the twenty-third of July twenty eleven in London. She was a British singer, song writer and composer . Her many musical influences ranged from jazz to blues or soul. Her particular voice tone and her
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Biography of David Beckham
David Beckham was born on May 2nd, 1975 to Leytonstone in England. He is the son of David Edward Alan "Ted Beckham", installer of kitchen and Sandra Georgina West, a hairdresser.These persons are fans of Manchester United. David Beckham is married at Victoria Adams. They have four children who are
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Biography of James Patterson
STUDY : JAMES PATTESON From his Florida mansion, James Patterson invents stories in gusts. Deciphering the methods of this American novelist, who is better paid than the NBA stars. You probably don't know his name. Yet this writer made $84 million with his novels last year. No, we didn't forget
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Biography of Jane Austen
Jane Austen I/ Biography Her Early Life Jane Austen was a great woman novelist of the early 19th century. Jane was born on 16 December 1775 in Steventon Rectory. She was the second daughter of The Reverend George Austen and his wife Cassandra. Apart from her older sister, also
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Biography of Mark ZUCKERBERG
Biography Diapo 1 Marrk Zuckerberg was born in 1984 (ninety eighty four) in New York. He is amercian. He is 32 ( thirty two) years old and he’s the father of a little girl, Maxima. Mark Zuckerberg est né en 1984 dans l’Etat de New York. Il est Americain. Il
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Biography of Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs Introduction : In this presentation, I'm gonna talk about Steve Jobs, but not about his career with Apple, Next, or Pixar, we all know that. I'm gonna evoke his youth and the most important thing : his personnality. We used to call him a extreme perfectionnist, irritable, erratic.
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Biography ofMC Escher and his link with tessalations
Presentation about M.C Escher Today we’re going to talk about M.C Escher and his work. For that we will starts with a biography of this artist then we will speak about two examples of his tessellations and symmetries that we have found in them. BIOGRAPHY: First, Maurits Cornelis Escher was
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Biography Pocahontas
Pocahontas was born in 1595 and died in 1617. She comes from an Amerindian tribe in Virginia. His tribe is called Powhantan. Her real names are Motaoka, which means "little feather of snow" and Amonute, which is the practice of "dream vision." Pocahontas, which means "capricious girl," was her name
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Biography: Barack Obama
________________ TOPIC 2: Barack Obama President of the United States (2008 - 2016) Illinois Senator - (2004 - 2008) Hello, my name is Frank and I'm going to talk about B. Obama. I decided to talk about him because I like him, especially his personality. First, I will talk about
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Biograpie d'Archimède
-Né en 287 avant J-C à Syracuse, ARCHIMÈDE est le fils du célèbre astronome grec PHIDIAS. -Pendant sa jeunesse, il baigne donc dans une atmosphère scientifique entretenue par son père savant. PHIDIAS avait en effet découvert le rapport entre les dimensions de la Lune et celles du Soleil -ARCHIMÈDE a
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Biograpthie de Roger Guérillot
Roger Guérillot (1904-1971) a été un colon français d'Oubangui-Chari impliqué dans le processus d'indépendance de la République centrafricaine, un pays dont il obtient la nationalité en 1961 et pour lequel il a rempli de nombreuses missions diplomatiques. Guérillot est surtout connu pour avoir élaboré sous le régime de la loi-cadre
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Biogra^hie de David Beckham
David Beckham est né à l'Hôpital universitaire de Whipps Cross (Whipps Cross University Hospital) à Leytonstone à Londres. Il est le fils de David Edward Alan « Ted » Beckham (né à Edmonton, Londres en 1948), un installateur de cuisine, et de Sandra Georgina West (née en 1949 dans le
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Biogrephie de John Maynard Keynes
Issu d'une famille d'universitaires (son père est économiste), John Maynard Keynes a une formation de mathématicien, mais s'oriente vers l'étude de l' économie politique à Cambridge. Après son service civil au ministère de l'Inde, il collabore avec l'économiste néoclassique Alfred Marshall au King's College de Cambridge. Pendant la Première Guerre
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Biogrpahie d'Eugène Émile Paul Grindel, dit Paul Éluard
Eugène Émile Paul Grindel, dit Paul Éluard, est un poète français né à Saint-Denis le 14 décembre 1895 et mort à Charenton-le-Pont le 18 novembre 1952. En 1916, il choisit le nom de Paul Éluard1, hérité de sa grand-mère, Félicie. Il adhère au dadaïsme et devient l'un des piliers du
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