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Michael Jackson Biographie En Anglais

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Par   •  9 Février 2014  •  466 Mots (2 Pages)  •  11 122 Vues

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Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana, to an African-American working-class family. His father, Joseph Jackson, had been a guitarist. Believing his sons had talent, he created a musical group in the early 1960s : The Jacksons 5. At first, the Jackson Family performers consisted of Michael's older brothers, Tito, Jermaine and Jackie. Michael joined the group when he was 5 years old, and emerged as the group's lead vocalist. Impressed by the group, Berry Gordy signed them to a label in 1968. Relocating to Los Angeles, Michael and his brothers started work on their music and dancing with their father become their manager. The group mades songs like « ABC » or «  I Want You Back ». At the age of 13, Jackson launched a solo career in addition to his work with the Jackson 5.The group became so popular that they even had their own self-titled cartoon show, which ran from 1971 to 1973.


The song also appeared on his solo album, Thriller  in 1982), which generated seven Top 10 hits and became the best-selling album in history. On a television special honoring Motown, Jackson performed "Billie Jean"surely a No. 1 hit and created his famous dance move called "The Moonwalk." Jackson, a veteran performer by this time, created this step himself and choreographed the dance sequences for the video of his other No. 1 hit, "Beat It."

The "Thriller" video was an immense success, boosting sales for the already successful album. The single stayed on the charts for 80 weeks, holding the No. 1 spot for 37 weeks. "Thriller" was nominated for 12 Grammy Award and winning eight.

In 1985, Jackson showed his altruistic side, co-writing and singing on "We Are the World," a charity single for USA for Africa. A project including Lionel Ritchie, Ray Charles, Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson,and Tina Turner.

 By the late 1980s, Jackson had created a California ranch called Neverland.

In 1993, he performed several important events, including the halftime show at Superbowl XXVII

 A 13-year-old boy claimed that the music star had fondled him. Jackson was known to have parties with boys at his Neverland Ranch, but he had not had a problem until now. The police searched the ranch, but they found no evidence to support the claim. The following year, Jackson settled the case out of court with the boy's family. Other allegations emerged, but Jackson maintained his innocence.


. On June 25, 2009, Jackson suffered cardiac arrest in his Los Angeles home. He was rushed to the hospital after his heart stopped and CPR attempts failed, and died later that morning. He was 50 years old.

A film was created : Michael Jackson's This is it a few months after his death, it was the last time we have heard of him.


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