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Life of Cynwrig

Discours : Life of Cynwrig. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Septembre 2018  •  Discours  •  514 Mots (3 Pages)  •  463 Vues

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                                Task 1

The life of Cynwrig

        I will tell you this time the story of Marcus Salvius Corvus who is with his path a perfect example of the romanization policy.

Cynwrig after his birth name, son of Drustan was born in AD 50 in Venta Silurum. His tribe, the Silures is well-known for being a powerful and warlike tribe. He receive a celtic education and was particularly affect by the Boudicca’s rebellion in AD 60-61. He sees the Roman army crushed the rebellion, and will remember of this event for the rest of his life.                 From this moment, he decided to be a Roman legionary. Indeed, after twenty-five years past in the auxilia, a peregrini can obtain the honorific title of Roman citizen.

         At the age of twenty-five years, he decided to integrate the auxilia in the headquarters of Legio II Augusta in Caerlon which was found the same year, in AD 75. He led a simple life in the camp of Caerlon when he were not in campaign. He had a little tent that he shared with three other peregrini who had chosen to engage in the army.

        From this day, he lead an exemplary military carrier and was granted of various honorific titles.

        In AD 84, he participated to the battle of Mons Graupius, in this battle, posted at the first line, he distinguished him by an incredible courage and strength. During the battle, he was surrounded by twelve Scots and he fight at the same time, skewering them one by one. After a fierce battle, he believe had killed them all but unfortunately, one already alive arrives on his back and he amputate Cynwrig of his right arm. This last, using his last strength, grabbed his sword with his left hand and cut off the head of the barbarian before falling unconscious.

When he woke up, he was in a tent with a horrible pain to his right stump.

- You’re finally awoke.

- What happened ?

- You were draining of blood when I see you, I took a torch and cauterized the wound. You were died if I didn’t rescue you.

- I will never be a legionary without my arm ! What I am going to become !?

- Don’t worry, for your little massacre and your dedication, the prefect has decided to give you the title of civium Romanorum, it’s time for you to retire !

- But I’m not rich, how can I work without my arm ?

- My cousin have a job for you, you saved him from a Scott, he owes you that much.

And finally Cynwrig retire him from the army and become Marcus Salvius Corvus.

Since this day he enjoy the roman way of life in the roman colony of Caerwent and past most of its time in the roman bath of the city where he work.


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