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Kurt Cobain's biography

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Par   •  4 Mars 2017  •  Fiche  •  259 Mots (2 Pages)  •  763 Vues

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Kurt Cobain was born on February 20th, 1967 in Aberdeen.
He was the son of Donald Cobain and Wendy Fradenburg.
When he was nine, his parents divorced and Kurt became withdrawn. 
He received a guitar for his 14th birthday and he trained to play AC/DC’s music on it. Before that, he had received another guitar from his aunt, when he was seven. Kurt was not interested by many things at the high school, he doesn’t like sport and was qualified as an asocial person.
In 1985, Kurt Cobain found with his friend Krist Novoselic the rock band’s name that he wanted to create: Nirvana. A few months before, he had tried to create the group "Fecal Matter" unsuccessfully.
The group knew a small success, with Dave Grohl’s arrival. But Kurt began to be nervous, and he took heroin. They released the album "Nevermind" in 1991. But Cobain was victim of his success and became heroin addict.
He met, the same year, his future wife, Courtney Love.
They get married on February 24th, 1992. The August 18th, they had their only daughter Frances.
In 1993 and 1994, concerts were disastrous and Kurt’s state degraded. He went in rehab but ran away the April 1st 1994.
On April 8th, 1994, his body was discovered in his house, in Seattle. Kurt Cobain died on April 5th by committing suicide with a bullet in his head, even if personally I don’t believe in it. One month before, he had already made a presumed suicide attempt in Rome, by overdose.
He died at the age of 27 and joined the sad 27 club.


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