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Francis drake

Cours : Francis drake. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

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Francis Drake

Jules -Greetins your highness, noblemen and ladies. We are Sir Thomas Hilton, Sir John Osylbury and I (Sir Tobert Silverthorn) three of his dearest companions and we shall name our countless astounding adventures alongside Sir Francis Drake.

Jasmine -Your Grace, my name is Sir Thomas Hilton, I am Francis Drake’s best friend and right-hand man. Francis Drake is an english explorer, sea captain, later vice admiral, engineer, privateer, politician and former slave trader who was born in 1540 in Tavistock. His father fled the country due to illegal rubberies so he was raised by the Hawkins, a family of more or less pirates. In the early 1560s he had graduate to sea cpatain and joined his cousin Jhon Hawkins on one of the britain’s earliest slave trading voyages to West Africa.

Emma -He married Mary Newman in 1569 who died 12 years later. Our captain wanted to explore for different reasons. First of all, he wanted to know if Tierra Del Fuego around the tip of South-America was just an island or a larger continent. Second of all, he wanted to explore to do trade. And the last but not the least, he also wanted to explore becausehe has this envy to go beyond our knowlegde of the world.

Jules -His illicit slave trading in the Spanish colonies of Caribbean didn’t get unnoticed. Once, during one of his expeditions to the West Indies in 1568 in companyof John Hawkins and their crew, they got attacked by the spanish and many of them died. Sir Francis Drake was one of the few to survive. From that day he has been defeated he grew at seething hatred for Spain and its King Philip II. Although the expedition was a financial failure, it brought the attention of Queen Elizabeth I who invisted in his futur workings.

Jasmine -It is in 1577 that Sir Francis Drake accomplished the spectacular circumnavigation. The goal of that voyage was mainly to weaken Spanish influence around the pacific ocean by tearing fown every villages, vessels and belongings we could come against.

Emma -We left England in December 1577 with 5 ships and 164 men. En route to South-America we passed throught the westhern African coast to then cross the Atlantic ocean. After 64 days without view of land we reached Brazil and we shaved the south-american shore. Then, in August 1578, we raversed Magellan’s route in 16 days during wich our captain renamed his ship The Golden Hind. We faced terrible storms that sunk many of our supplies and books.

Jules -Finally in November we sailed north to Mocha Island in hope to barter supplies with local tribes. Unfortunately, they had mistook us for the hated spanish and attacked. We lost two men and Francis Drake was baddly wounded.

Despite this setback we swimmingly arrived at the spanish pacific coast.

From there we began to strike at the port of Valparaiso where we took wine and gold followed by the seizing of 40 bars of silver in Arica. Higher north we caaptured the famous Galleon and found 36 kilos of gold, 26 tons of silver and 13 chests of silver coins, jewels and golden crucifix. We sailed as far north as California which he claimed british. The repairs of the golden lasted 5 weeks and we finally went west to the Pacific Ocean because we knew that Spanish reinforcements were chasing us and we failed at finding a path north to go back to England.

Emma -After more


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