Marketing Your Own Arts or Event
Cours : Marketing Your Own Arts or Event. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar vivivav • 20 Février 2019 • Cours • 1 355 Mots (6 Pages) • 599 Vues
A105PA Marketing your own arts project or event
Student: Viktors Janeks
Student ID: 7912405
The relationship between the marketing and art has been expended rapidly, as the proliferation of new social and digital medias has opened new ways of communication. (Taylor&Francis,2012)
I chose to make charity event shaped by the intellectual interest of the community, where will be use performing arts- dance, contemporary art, music and visual arts- as an attractive marketing strategy.
It is important for a consumer to know, with clear certainty, the nature of the product, their tastes over its characteristics and the terms of sales, venue et cetera. For this instance, I will analyse 5P’s and 4C’s as a great tool to understand and reach consumer needs and customer satisfaction.
5 P’s/4 C’s Analyse
- Product – This project will be separated in two events. The project title would be ‘’Evolution Through Music’’. The art event would be 1 hour, and 30 minutes long musical performance separated in two parts with 30 minutes break in the middle of the concert. The concert as itself will be designed by chronological sequence of music evolution. From beginning will be more emphasize of music from earlier centuries when its main tool was for communication, rituals, hunting and etc., which will express by performing arts such as musical performance, dancing and acting. Later would travel through centuries, including medieval and classical music styles until year of 1900. In break there will be a possibility to order drinks or snacks and take part in active attractions and games, as it will be the part of energiser to prepare for the second part of the concert. The part two will start with the birth of blues and jazz music from the singing in cotton fields until Americas stages and continues through rock and roll, 1980s, heavy metal, first electronical music, hip hop, 2000s and finishes with nowadays music.
- Customer Benefits - The goal of this project is not just for entertainment, but also to educate people through arts and, as it will be part of the charity, with earned money support children with special needs to allow them to start learning music and play any musical instruments as the learning how to play musical instrument can develop brain usage, memory, intellect and creativity (Negrin ,2015).
- Price – The price will be separated in four groups, depending on seating sector by 10, 15, 20 and 25 pounds per ticket. There will be 30% ticket discount for students and pensioners, and free entrance for kids younger than 7 years old or people with special needs.
- Costs – This charity will rely on generosity of sponsors and funders. Local government in England has been a very significant funder of the arts, with over 1 billion pounds invested in arts activities. (Harvey, 2016) Other good way where to look for sponsorship would be the book ‘’Directory of Social Change’’ or better known as Red Books. (Pembridge, 2017) For example, one of sponsors could be Coventry Council and in exchange it will boost their reputation as they won the title ‘’The City of Culture 2021’’ and will get the chance promote it in Birmingham as well. The sponsorships will cover all necessary expanses – venue, equipment, promotion, artist travel and overall expanses. If the resources will not be enough, as a backup plan we could use some part of ticket money.
- Place – Two separated events but with the same content will be located at Coventry Belgrade Theatre with 858 seats and at Birmingham Repertory Theatre with 825 seats. Both, The Belgrade Theatre and Birmingham Repertory Theatre, is a major art, educational and simultaneously professional theatre company in the city. These venues itself will make it easier to reach the target audience as they mainly provide art events for community related topics using creative elements for its development. According to Belgrade Theatre Annual Report 2016/2017, Belgrade Theatre won the Theatre Award for Promotion of Diversity, Cultural Education Award in the Coventry and Warwickshire Tourism and Culture Awards.
- Convenience - As both theatres allocated in the centre of city, it is the most accessible place for everyone. It is easy to get there by public transport or by own car. Free parking places are available next to both of theatres. As it is in city centre there are a lot of places where to go for a meal or even stay at night, so it is attractive place even for tourists.
- Promotion – According to Strategy Analytics Advertising Forecast (2015), in the UK on digital advertisement was spent 50%, on TV 24%, on print 16%, on outdoor 6%, radio 3% and 1% on cinema. As TV and cinema would be the most expensive method it will not be included in my strategy. Preferable would be digital advertising with focus on social media as well as radio promotions for adult and old people auditory. To get attraction from families, students and pensioners sales promotions will be used by free entrance for kids and people with special needs, and by 30% discount for students and pensioners. One of major promotional strategy is collaboration with celebrity that will take performance in event. As well public relations will be included.
- Communication – As it will be educational type of event it is important to get interest from universities as well. For this will be included printed advertisement for Coventry University, University of Warwick, University of Birmingham. For social media I would choose the possibility to cooperate with already popular profiles with millions of followers in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and post a trailer type video about event with possibility to donate money even through our own website that will be made for this purpose. For radio promotions we will use mostly stations with high rating for drivers and it will be heard mostly in range from 7am till 9am and from 4pm till 6pm.
- People – As it was mentioned before, our target market will be families, students, children, adults and pensioners. As it is educational, fun and filled with wide range of emotions and music styles it will be suitable for every person teste. As a charity event it will be more focused on adults who would be the most potential donator.
As it was mentioned before, our budged will be planned together with sponsors and investors. Although there is possibility after first event in Coventry use part of earned money to cover some necessary expanses. All tickets together for both of performances are 1683 units. If we approximately will separate that in 4 pieces, we would have 420 tickets for each price category. From this we can evaluate that our maximum earnings only by tickets would be £29’400 separated in - £10 tickets - £4200, £15 tickets - £6300, £20 tickets - £8400 and £25 tickets - £10500.