Mouvements d'art
Étude de cas : Mouvements d'art. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar augusta • 13 Décembre 2012 • Étude de cas • 538 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 035 Vues
Modern Art
The Avant-garde mouvements, Modernisms. Methods of interprétation.
Paul Gaugin: the recourse to tribal art and primitivism influence. The early works of Derain, Picasso, Matisse, and Ernst
Gaugin, the savage artist. (video)
Les demoiselles d'Avignon: Picasso's attack on mimetic representation.
Cubism: Braque, Picassao and others
Expressionism in France and Germany
The futurist Manifesto
Malevich's Suprematism and Russian Constructivism
Mondrian & De stijl : the devotion to the sense of abstraction
Paul Klee and the Weimar Bauhaus. The modernist school of art and design.
"Arte torna arte" Galleria dell' Accademia
De Chirico and Metaphysical painting
Marcel Duchamp: the impact of mechanical reproduction
Dadaism: a reaction to WWI and provocation of futurism and expressionism
Screening of photography and avant-garde mouvements
The surrealist aesthetic; painting, photography and writing
Screening of the andalusian dog by Bunuel and Dali and other surrealist experimental films
Marini Museum
1946- The WW2. Dubuffet exhibits his "hautes pates", the beginning of Art informal. Existentialist aesthetics in the work of
Giacometti, Dubuffet, Bacon.
This is what we will try to answer in this matter. We will examine the physical and biological work of the master, and study its anatomical drawings and mechanical attempt to highlight science in the middle of the art of Leonardo da Vinci.
Art is an area that will be part and parcel of our case, because it is impossible nowadays to speak of Leonardo da Vinci without reference to his art whether to combine science with his works, or detail drawings schematic. We do not, however, dwell on this subject, as we will try to highlight the studies of physics and biology foremost.
If we were to give a nam to the association of art, biology and physics, it would be Leonardo da Vinci. In fact, all along his life, this artist has linked arts and science in his studies and works. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 in the village of Vinci from the illegitimate relation between a peasant, his mother, and a notary, his father. After living the fourteen first years of his life in his hometown, where he developed his thirst of knowledge and beauty through the observation of nature, Leonardo da