Fiche : NAT MNPS et WATRS. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar simonbabin • 22 Mai 2016 • Fiche • 1 388 Mots (6 Pages) • 869 Vues
FL285 à 420 INCLUS. On a besoin de deux système de navigation : soit des GNSS, IRS ou INS (inertial navigation system). la séparation minium entre chaque route est de 60 nm ou 1 degrés. Entre chaque avion on a un minimum de 5 minutes ou 10' en terme de degrés .
Pour les WATERS, les avions équipé du RNP10 comme nous auront une sépération entre les route de 50 nm.
les routes seront numerotés par lettre. La route ZULU sera celle la plus au sud. ALPHA sera celle la plus au nord
30 min apres l'entrée dans lespace océanic, on doit mettre le code transpondeur sur 2000. Pour les radio HF (As a rule of thumb, when a choice of frequencies is possible, “higher frequencies should be used when the sun is higher”)
un rapport de position au dessus de latlantique : A position report could sound like this, "Mapleleaf 747, 58 north 020 west at 1235, FL 330, estimating 59 north 030 west at 1310, next 58 north 040 west"
Un revisé d'estimé : A revised estimate would sound like this, "Mapleleaf 747 Revised Estimate, estimating 59 north 030 west at 1315"
Un demande de clearance oceanic : Mapleleaf 747, request oceanic clearance estimating MIMKU at 1155, Mach decimal 84, FL 330 able FL 350
Except in the specific case of Shanwick oceanic, if an oceanic clearance has not been received prior to reaching the OCA boundary, flights should continue as filed, while continuing to attempt to get an oceanic clearance. Pilots should not hold unless directed by ATC.
In the case of Shanwick oceanic, if an oceanic clearance has not been received prior to reaching the OCA boundary, pilots must contact domestic ATC and request instructions to enable them to remain clear of oceanic airspace whilst awaiting an oceanic clearance.
Quand on reçoit nos documents dans le crew room, toujorus comparer notre OFP versus le Track Message. S'assurer aussi quil n'y a pas de MEL qui pourrait faire que lon ne peut faire des traversés océaniques. La clearance océanique doit être prise entre 90 et 30 minutes avant l'entré dans le secteur océanique (oceanic entry point). When the TMI number is included in the read back there is no requirement for the pilot to read back the NAT track coordinates. Le code 2000 sur le transpondeur doit etre mit 30 min apres l'entré dans le secteur océanique. the last transponder code must only be retained in WATRS Plus control areas and in the Reykjavik airspace. To mitigate collision risk and / or wake turbulence, the Strategic Lateral Offset Procedure (SLOP) can be used.
This procedure allows the operator to fly the centerline 1 or 2 nm to the right of the track. The offset may never exceed 2 nm. This offset can begin at the Oceanic Entry Point.
En cas d'urgence : If the aircraft can no longer comply with the clearance, it must leave the assigned route or track by initially turning at least 45° to the left or right and offsetting by 15 nm.
If able to maintain the assigned flight level, once 10 nm from the assigned track, the aircraft should climb or descend 500 ft if below FL 410. If above FL 410, climb or descend 1,000 ft. If at FL 410, climb 1,000 ft or descend 500 ft
Engine failure and pressurization emergencies may require the crew to descend immediately. ATC communication should be made as soon as practical. Broadcast intentions on 121.5 and 123.45. Include aircraft type, track or position, direction of turn, altitude and intentions.
Turn on all exterior lighting, and monitor the TCAS for proximate traffic. If able, minimize descent rate until 10 nm from the track, then maximize descent rate until below the OTS. Continue to try to obtain an ATC Clearance. Request relay to ATC from other aircraft if needed.
For deviations greater than 10 nm, and when the aircraft is approximately 10 nm from the cleared track, initiate an altitude change of 300 ft.
Eastbound traffic deviating left, descend 300 ft; when deviating right, climb 300 ft. Westbound traffic deviating left, climb 300 ft; when deviating right, descend 300 ft. When returning to the track, return to the cleared flight level when 10 nm from the centerline.
If ATC cannot accommodate a clearance they will advise “Unable” and ask for the pilot’s intentions. If deviation is required for aircraft safety, the pilot should indicate