The Da Vinci Code Assignment
Commentaire de texte : The Da Vinci Code Assignment. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Pbolak • 20 Juillet 2018 • Commentaire de texte • 1 100 Mots (5 Pages) • 672 Vues
February 3, 2014
Book Questionnaire
List at least 5 artists (painters or sculptors other than Leonardo da Vinci), at least 5 works of art (paintings or sculptures other than Leonardo’s works), and at least 3 buildings created for religious worship, such as churches, temples, etc. (pre 20th century) mentioned in the book. Give a parenthetical reference for each artist, work of art, and building you name.
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (Brown 99)
Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Brown 64)
Michelangelo (Brown 96)
Albrecht Dürer (Brown 96)
Picasso (Brown 99)
Religious Buildings
Rosslyn Chapel (Brown 432-35)
Saint-Sulpice Church (Brown 88)
Temple of Solomon (Brown 158)
What information does Dan Brown give us about the Priory of Sion?
Dan Brown gives us information about the Priory of Sion through the words of Langdon, as he describes them as a brotherhood with a long history of secrets, blackmail, betrayal, and torture. According to Langdon, Godefroi de Bouillon, a French king who managed to conquer the city, founded the brotherhood in Jerusalem in 1099. Geodefroi created the brotherhood in order to avoid the loss of his powerful secret that has lived since the era of Christ. The Priory of Sion brotherhood was in charge of quietly passing the secret from generation to generation. Over the years, they found secreted documents containing Godefroi’s great clandestine under the ruins of Solomon’s temple. (Brown 157-58)
Who were the Knights Templar?
The Knights Templar, a military arm of nine knights was created by the Priory of Sion, to retrieve the hidden documents in Solomon’s temple. They found a treasure in the ruins, which gave them monopolizing power over any political or religious authority. The number of knights and political forces then grew in numbers and in power, but were later brought down by Pope Clement. (Brown 158-59)
Who was Constantine the Great? What was the Council of Nicaea?
Constantine the Great was a Roman emperor as well as head priest of sun worship, or Rome’s official religion back in that era. He is known for being very witty, as he converted the sun-worshipping pagans to Christianity when it was rising. The Council of Nicaea was a famous ecumenical gathering that Constantine had organized in order to strengthen the new Christian tradition during the fusion of religions. It was voted by the Council of Nicaea that Jesus would be known as the Son of God. This event was written in the history books of Christianity and is why we remember the Council of Nicaea. (232-33)
What are the main characteristics of Westminster Abbey? What is the Chapter House?
The Westminster Abbey is classified as royal peculiar. It is the tomb of three thousand people. The interior is made of columns of grey stone, and holds the bodies of many great people who have changed the world. It is filled with perimeter chambers and walk-in burial niches. It only has one entry door, which makes it very hard to find your way out. It was in the shape of a crucifix, which made it a labyrinth if you stepped through the wrong archway. (395-397)
What is the history of St. Sulpice? What are its characteristics?
The Church of Saint-Sulpice is the most historic building in Paris as it was built over the ruins of goddess Isis’s old Egyptian temple. The church has hosted many historic baptisms including Marquis de Sade’s and Beaudelaire’s. Also, Victor Hugo’s marriage was held in the Saint-Sulpice. The attached seminary is historically known for unorthodoxy and was once used as the secret meeting hall for many secret societies. Unlike the other colorful churches of Paris, the Saint-Sulpice lacked of decor, which gave an unembellished and cold atmosphere. This lack of artistic detail made the building look very vast. (Brown 88)